Since there are numerous threads about the "Muslim cartoons" and since it's Europe related (though the European Court of Human Rights is no EU-institution but was created by the Council of Europe), I'll post this here:
European rights court asked to rule on Muhammad cartoons
The European Court of Human Rights [
official website] based in Strasbourg announced Thursday that it has received an application [
official backgrounder]from French Muslims asking it to declare the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in French newspapers an infringement of the non-discrimination provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights [
official text].
The complaint, originally filed in February by the Regional Council for the Muslim Faith in the Champagne Ardenne region of the country, a subsidiary body of the French Council for the Muslim Faith (CFCM), came on the heels of other abortive efforts by French Muslim groups to get legal satisfaction in the French courts; a suit brought by five Muslim organizations - including the moderate Paris Mosque

private photos, taken last week]
and the fundamentalist Union of Islamic Organizations of France - to stop a French weekly from republishing the cartoons was thrown out on procedural grounds in early February because the public prosecutor's office was not properly notified, and later threats by the CFCM to sue the papers that actually published the drawings do not seem to have materialized. The ECHR must now decide whether it will hear the case.
AP-report via Expatica:
French Muslims take cartoons row to Euro court