georgeob1 wrote:I wish that Helen and Nimh would quit baiting each otther. Why these two very interesting and crankily individualistic people would find the other's cranky individuality so apparently annoying is beyond me. If, on the other hand, what I see is mutually satisfying sparring, than I wil concede my gaucherie and retreat.
There is nothing satisfying about facing HofT's recurrent wild allegations on most varying matters of politics, and I deeply wish I was not a compulsively anal fact-checker, so I could just let it go. This is my loss. I see something asserted that's just plain wrong, incorrect, bizarre even, and I respond - instead of shrugging and assuming people will guess by themselves that it's wrong. I'm not being coy here; I seriously hate myself for it - it takes a surreal amount of time/energy whenever it comes up, and tends to multiply itself. I've retreated from A2K several times because of it.
There is also nothing satisfying about being confronted with a poster who tends to seep her every second post with some kind of unnecessary personal putdown or insinuation - though it was HofT's scandalous reference to Lash's illness a few pages back that truly took the biscuit so far. Although they always skirt the terms of use, they spoil the experience of any A2K thread they appear in (mine, anyway).
I have gathered from your and Blatham's remarks that Helen is extremely erudite on some specific topic(s), and has won your respect through that. I have not had the fortune to observe what topic that would be; I'm guessing it might be zoology, or classical literature, both of which I'm ignorant of myself. Meanwhile, I've seen several people chased out of threads by Helen's meanness, and I wish someone else would speak up about it once in a while as well.
But I'll give it a rest and simply avoid the threads she's in, instead.