There is a bit of irony in the fact that Toronto ships it's garbage to Michigan and the Canada Goose ends up in Pennsylvania.
Cjhsa can shoot all of the garbage he wants. Farmerman, you are welcome to have a go at our geese. :wink:
There were about 1000 geese in my business park today when I left work. Nasty little poopers.
Obviously f-man each state is going to have different regulations, probably for a reason, but not always. It is still our obligation as hunters not to provide the cracks that the antis so want to stick their crowbar into. Saying things like "baiting is dumb" doesn't help. Perhaps "baiting in this case is unnecessary and/or inappropriate", sure. What's dumb are too many and often conflicting rules. It's clear here in Michigan that we have antis working in the DNR, which hunters fund. They should be immediately dismissed IMO.
I once had farm raised venison loin at Spago in L.A., Wolfie cooked it for me himself ( ...maybe). I'm quite sure even you would have enjoyed it, one of the best things I've ever tasted.
Intrepid wrote:There is a bit of irony in the fact that Toronto ships it's garbage to Michigan and the Canada Goose ends up in Pennsylvania.
Cjhsa can shoot all of the garbage he wants. Farmerman, you are welcome to have a go at our geese. :wink:
I'm willing a wager that more of the Canadian Air Force is based in Michigan than in Pensylvania. I think they follow the garbage.
You seem to be happy to receive it.
Who, me???
I think it should be piled in Granholm's back yard.
You seem so proud of your governor
How's the overpass redecoration project coming Int?
cjhsa wrote:I'm not a big fan of reintroducing wolves where humans habitate.
The problem is too many humans. Set up the tax system to encourage one pregnancy per woman.
POM, you really are as dumb as a cow. Great avatar.
And you've got about as much brainpower as your avatar, too - scarily coincidental, eh?
Aw, c'mon Snood. Now yer gonna hafta explain it to him.
cjhsa wrote:POM, you really are as dumb as a cow. Great avatar.
Takes one to know one. Like to see the evidence for your statement, but, there isn't any. Just blowing off steam. So fifth grade!