The Three Faces Of Eve will live Ever After.
Max Devlin! Lord of the Rings!
The Lords of Flatbush meet The Rugrats.
"My Life as a Dog" by Felix the Cat
Cats And Dogs were at My Best Friends Wedding.
The Plague Dogs. (Saddest movie I've ever seen- four hankies)
colorbook wrote:Make a sentence using 2 movie titles.
Examples: Forest Gump will eat at Alices Restaurant.
Little Women are out to Get Shorty.
Indiana Jones meets Gidget.
A Bridge too Far is East of Eden.
Next person must have one word in common with previous entry.
Is anyone game to play this?
The game has changed again
Twelve Angry Men in Judge Dread's court.
Going From Here To Eternity in the Time Machine
Victor/Victoria meets the Man with Two Brains.
Are we supposed to have one word in common with the previous entry?:
Time After Time, King Kong MEETS Godzilla.
This is rather like the Fractured Flicks thread without the scenerio but okay:
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner at Eight
Color: Do you still want us to link a word?
EIGHT Men Out On The Town Get Shorty.
Link one word if possible
A Few Good Men have Breakfast At Tiffanys
Robin Hood, men in tights, Flashdance!!
The Beverly Hillbillies find A Room With A View
Little Big Man Dances With Wolves!!
In The garden Of Evil with Cinderella
The Three Musketeers put Gidget In Harm's Way