cjhsa wrote:Why the hell would it be appropropriate to be against any of those activitiees if they are being performed correctly?
So you are only saying that the HSUS's actions are 'inappropriate'? It seemed like your dismay at their actions was rather stronger than this.
cjhsa wrote:Dog breeding? I like dogs.
Gary Glitter likes children. Can he breed them for his entertainment?
cjhsa wrote:Conventional farming? I like to eat.
So does Arthur Shawcross. Would it be inappropriate to set oneself up in opposition to him?
cjhsa wrote:Rodeos? Those bulls bust people's ass. Horse racing is cruel? Ask the horse, they love to run. Marine aquariums? The Monterey Bay Aquarium has done more for marine life welfare than HSUS will ever do. And lastly, fur trapping. BEAVER! There are so many goddamn BEAVER half of the trout steams from twenty years ago in the upper midwest no longer exist. Eat more BEAVER! (and wear their fur, coyotes too).
Hmmm... perhaps horse racing is not cruel, merely unsafe. Marine aquariums, well they might even involve less suffering than life in the open ocean. I've never had my ass busted by a bull, so I'll have to defer to your experience in that area. As for those pesky beaver (hilarious, and presumably unintentional,
double entendre aside) , I'm sure there are people out there who would agree that those who cause ecological devastation should be skinned, but I thought you didn't agree with such domestic terror groups?
But seriously... I know little about the HSUS, so I have a question:
Do you think they are motivated by compassion? If so, and if you believe them to be misinformed on certain issues, should you not be trying to help them, providing them with your expert knowledge and research, and trying to find ways in which their compassion can be more efficiently demonstrated?
I assume that, for example, the HSUS look at the meat industry and see great suffering. Their compassion motivates them to try to lessen this suffering. Is there really anything wrong with acting on compassion?