Thu 16 Nov, 2006 10:28 pm
Let us all wether we believe in a GOD or don't believe in a GOD, step back for just a moment.
I would like all just to pretend that there is a GOD.
What would his/hers traits be like?
By Traits I mean.
Add to list please.
This is not to argue against God, but what you think GOD traits should be if he existed.
He'd be the kind of guy, who after f*cking someone in the ass, would have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound.
I watched Full Metal Jacket tonight.
Never seen it.
Isn't that a Kubrick film?
Oh, all right... Sorry, Scott......
I'd say "deranged".
I'd go for vengeful, with a perverse sense of humour - a bit like Slappy, actually. Or maybe disinterested and apathetic. Maybe like a kid with a magnifying glass on a sunny day torturing an anthill randomly.
What make you think that it would have even vaugly human traits?
I only know humans so my description is based on the kind of human who would have designed the world we live and the lives we lead.
Scott, ya know, I tried...but I couldn't think of one that wasn't logically impossible.
The closest I can get is to imagine a god who said "Let there be a universe" 13.7 billion years ago and then had absolutley nothing to do with it since. What traits can I assume such a god would have? I have no idea.
I would portrait (him, her, it) as a devilish, machiavelian being, laughing his a$$ out at the joke he did to us, poor ridicule puppets, stirring around and thinking we are determinant to the fate of the universe...
If he would exist, he would have had another good laugh right now...
Francis wrote:If he would exist, he would have had another good laugh right now...
Especially, if "He" was a "She"!
If the god of 'the bible' actually existed, meaning the biblical stories, both old and new testaments were true...
You'd have a jealous, vengeful, egomaniacal petty and childlike god, wrought with human frailties. This would be something to be fought against tooth and nail.
Just like Bawb
and no, I'm not kidding.
I mean, wny wouldn't a god be as good as loving as fair as the creatures created?
It seems to me that all the bad things we have as evidence of god's meaness come from mean men writing to make shy men behave.
Joe(we are stardust)Nation
I'd settle for who's just there.