Bartikus wrote: If everything you said were true....yes it is. But, everything you said is'nt true. There are public hospitals who will see people without emergencies who have no coverage.
It isn't true. Try using Google to see how many people in your country who are without healthcare.
Secondly, going to the emergency room and then getting strapped afterwards with a bill which you can't pay, is considered by you as an adequate form of healthcare? LOL!
Bartikus wrote: A convicted felon can be seen for any old boo boo? Are you nuts?
Who goes to the doctor for "any old boo boo?" Who are you referring to? Even those who are not incarcerated do not.
Bartikus wrote: You have not been to prison mindy. Please do not talk about things you know nothing about. You re read the thread and start answering some questions.
LOL! And how do you know?
Bartikus wrote: You are now admitting that anyone with an emergency can get healthcare.Right?
You evidently have no idea that healthcare involves more than just going to the emergency room when One has become too sick to withstand their pain or sickness.
Bartikus wrote: Hospitals cannot as you said previously just turn people away. Convicts get turned away all the time. Who decides? Usually the guards.
A guard who has no medical expertise of any kind will decide whether a convict needs to be seen by a doctor.
And if the guard decides, he gets free treatment.
Bartikus wrote: I know of convicts crying and complaining of being raped to the guards and begging for help while the guards just sit back and laugh calling the victim a faggot. Barbaric mindy?
I've heard convicts asking for their medications and telling the guards that they could die without them. The guard laughing says "what makes you think I give a **** if you die...just one less punk for me to look at"! Might that be a bit barbaric enough?
At least they have free medication.
Bartikus wrote: Where are these prisons you speak of....they don't sound half bad. Kinda nice even. No barbarians there.
All over the world. Some are in your country
Bartikus wrote: Why I even bother is beyond me now.
LOL! You are correct. Why even bother to wake up to the reality that is around you ? Why even bother to realize that being forced to go to the emergency room for something which could possibly have been prevented with adequate healthcare is not considered healthcare. Why even bother to realize that felons are receiving better healthcare than the average citizen. Why even bother to realize that there are many children who are running around without healthcare. Why even bother to realize that the average law abiding citizen is made to pay twice; first he pays for the felons healthcare, then he has to pay for that emergency room healthcare that you love so much. Why even bother to realize that felons receive three square meals while some of the citizenry receive one and sometimes none. Why even bother to realize that felons receive free higher education which is paid by law abiding citizens. And at the same time, the average citizen does not. LOL! You are too funny. Your definition of healthcare is sad. Continue to sleep Bartikus. No need to wake up to your reality.