Mon 13 Nov, 2006 03:30 pm
So I've got a P.C. and I know how to Google...
But I'm really struggling to find an official department for requesting a search of the Death Records and hopefully burial records for Chula Vista, California.
I have searched and searched, and can't find anything that isn't linked to a geneology (fee paying) site.
I don't mind paying a fee, but I would rather pay for an official search by a recognised official record keeping office and not to 'Ancestors are us'.
I have emailed the City Council and the Chula Vista Library - and have yet to receive a reply - very frustrating.
Can anybody help? Anybody who lives near or has links with the City?
I am trying to trace my father's records, I would like to visit his grave with my sister next year.
Thanks in anticipation
Sarah, I think CJ may know a bit about the local stuff over there.....It rings a bell with me that she's about 20 mins drive from Chula Vista?
I may be wrong.....
Here!!! Yes, Chula Vista is about 20 min. from my house. It's mostly
hispanic and the community has grown considerably over the last 10 years,
the population tripled.
Sarah, do you need a current record, or how far back are we talking about?
You also can send me a message with your info.
That was quick, CJ!
I vaguely remembered a bit of banter between you and nickfun(?) regarding some double voting in Ca. I KNEW I read Chula Vista somewhere in there, but I couldn't remember if it was you or not.
I've PM'd Smorgasboard, but she's probably sitting on the couch as I write, watching TV and scoffing Quality Street (choccies), or eccles cakes.
She'll be along shortly......
Thank you everyone for your kind replies.
I have found what I was looking for!
Many thanks to everyone, but especially to Calam, who spent time so generously, researching further for me,
So grateful, Calam.