Sat 4 Nov, 2006 12:28 pm
I purchased an oil painting at an estate sale. It is signed Brandt. The a in the name has an - above it. The canvas has been stretched and stapled into a frame. The staples are rusting and the canvas is somewhat brittle. I think it is an old painting. I have found several artist with the name Brandt, but they all have initials or first name. There is nothing but Brandt on this one.
Has anyone heard of this artist?
It would help if we had a photo to look at to help you narrow down a search.
Could you describe the painting?
pic: Brandt oil painting
Brandt oil painting[IMG]Brandt Pics Microsoft Word[/IMG]
pic: Brandt oil painting
Brandt oil painting[IMG]Brandt Pics Microsoft Word[/IMG]
Is that your own photo? To put it onto an a2k post, you need to have it end in jpg or gif....
you do this by using a photo site like Photobucket - there are many such sites - once you install it there, it will show up with the proper link ending.
Then you transfer that to a post.
If you get stuck, there are threads in the Forum Help section on how to post a photo..
In the Forum Help forum there is a thread about how to post an image near the top of the list of the threads.
Here's a quote from George about using Image Shack as an a place to get your image to have a website address that will make it acceptable to be transferred to a post -
"ImageShack is incredibly easy to use, and you don't even have to sign up.
Just use "Browse" to find the picture on your PC, the hit "Host It."
Bingo! There it is.
If you click "Get Links", you'll get the exact text you need to copy and
paste to a forum. Try it!"
Brandt Pic
The artist name doesn't show up very well in this pic. It is in the lower right hand corner. [IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Pictures[/IMG]
You don't seem to understand that you can't post an image that way. You have to have an http address that ends in jpeg or gif. If it is your own photo stored in your own computer, then to do that you have to put the image on an intermediate site like Photobucket or Image Shack.
Click on this link in Forum Help and you'll find a whole thread about how to post an image. It starts out with how to do that from a regular website but eventually gets into how to post your own photo. I quoted from late in that thread, page 25, I believe, when I mentioned George's comment above.
Thank you
You are correct. I did not understand. I will attempt to do as you instructed.
I or someone else will try to help if you get stuck in posting a photo.
Whether we can help identify the artist is another thing, but we'll try.
I downloaded Image shack. I put the pic on there. Now I can't get it to this reply. I am technically challenged. LOL
Brandt Pic
A lot of us on the art forum are, including me.
It's a little hard since I don't have image shack myself, but here's what George said -
"ImageShack is incredibly easy to use, and you don't even have to sign up.
Just use "Browse" to find the picture on your PC, the hit "Host It."
Bingo! There it is.
If you click "Get Links", you'll get the exact text you need to copy and
paste to a forum. Try it!"
First try what George said...
if that doesn't work -
When I use photobucket there are three kinds of links at the bottom of the photo.. one will already have [img][/img] brackets, just cut and paste that to a post.
You could also try right clicking on the photo and see what comes up. It might be a window that lists some things, including Properties, and then click on that.
Or it might say, Open image in another window. Then do that. The URL, that is the address at the top of the new screen, should end in jpeg. Then just copy that....
and open a post reply window in this thread, and click on the IMAGE button, and deposit or paste the link in there. Voila!
Brandt pic

Brandt pic
Well, no luck on the painting so far, but I did look up the history of staples..
Looks like it's unlikely that the painting is pre 1920.
Now to look up staple guns...
On the painting, can you tell if it is an oil painting?
Yes, it is an oil painting. Some of the strokes are quite heavy. Especially the tree trunk. I know that pic was very large. Were you able to see it at all? I tried to thumbnail it, but wasn't successful.
Yes, I can see it, though it's fairly blurry. Rather nice. I'll look some more tomorrow. Perhaps others will have a clue..
You have an original Brandt! This is a priceless Masterpiece! The Louvre will pay any price for this painting!
I know if I owned it that's what I'd like to hear :wink: