timberlandko wrote:Try the free version of
SUPERAntiSpyware - its gaining itself a lot of respect.
As for where your irritation mighta come from, anybody's guess, but for a variety of reasons, guessing it might have anything to do w/A2K isn't a real likely guess; I'm on this site a lot, often using machines that are really locked down, and if there were nasties lurking here, I think I'd prolly be among the first to know ... or, more correctly, my security/privacy/blocking/tracking software would be among the first to know, and it'd let me know - its set to get upset about just about anything thats out there to even mebbe be suspicious about. That happens when I visit sites like CNN, for instance, or CNet - but not A2K.
I know, but with me it is always A2k.......I KNOW all the arguments, and I BELIEVE them, but it's still true.
And, when it happens on two utterly unrelated computers, it is intuitively sus.
But, goddess forbid any further discussion of this happens......it always gets really ugly, and I acknowledge that Craven is right about computer stuff.
This is the devil's work.....it seeks to sow discord in this blue and sometimes pleasant land.
I will download your magical thingy if the beast appears again. Thankee.