First of all, you'll note that they say "Creator", not your word, "God". Second of all, your entire retort is based on the Declaration of Independence, which is a declaration of independence from British rule. It has nothing to do with the governance of the USA.
real life wrote:
peace wrote:I'm wondering why it is even legal in the USA for politicians to speak in terms of what God wants in regards to policy?
Funny how some are always trying to outlaw free speech.
Some are trying to separate church and state.
real life wrote:
peace wrote:But even still, wouldn't the decision to have an abortion be something between the person having the abortion and their God?
I suggest you check out the abortion thread, rather than sending this one in multiple directions at once.
Note I said that it was an example and that the discussion was about religion and politics. Please do try to follow the instructions.
real life wrote:
peace wrote:Especially how do you reconcile legislating your opinions about God as if it were some truism of Nature?
The Founding Fathers thought it was, so I'd say that you appear to be the one out of the mainstream, not the person you were listening to.
Quote:When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them
emphasis mine
Again with the declaration of independence. Please read the entire document. After the short, haughty preamble, It's mostly a bunch of bitching about some King. It says nothing about the government that was to follow.
Now I ask you, as you seem to have some opinions on this matter, why should non-Christians be forced to suffer Christian beliefs? What is so complicated about this question? Just tell me why anyone who is not a Christian should be forced to obey Christian rules?
Kind Regards