what is spirituality?

Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 08:14 am
Dok, doesn't what you are saying stem directly from what satanism teaches?
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 08:18 am
Not at all, although it certainly is congruent. Satanism doesn't deal with 'spirituality' whatsoever.

These are just opinions developed though my own study, experience, and disposition. Much like everything else I write Smile
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 08:42 am
rockpie wrote:
i believe that spirituality is simply your conscience and emotions. as a Christian i know that may sound weird from me, but i honestly do think that your spirit is just a combination of whatever emotions you are feeling at a time. for example, i went to a Christian concert recently and hundreds of people went out to the stage to be filled by God's holy spirit, but subconciously all they were doing was being filled with a sense of meaning or purpose that they couldn't find anywhere else. there is a fine line between God's spirit and human emotion. so fine that i personally can't tell the difference, maybe they are the same thing, i don't know. i guess that is my view on this. hope it helps, and i also advise you to have a look around. this is the best forum. you'll learn a lot. welcome.

Welcome to A2K Kim. Very Happy

Hmmm that's interesting rockpie. I don't think the bible teaches that though. However, we're not here to discuss the bible necessarily so I will move on from that little comment rather quick and say this. I believe emotions and spirit are two completely separate things and here's why:

Emotions will lead us to do and say an amazing amount of things that we probably wouldn't do or say if we were not in an "emotional" state at the time. Think about "love" for example. I've seen some people do some pretty crazy things for the sake of "love". What they considered love. They were so juiced up on endorphins that reality was pretty much altered in a sense. Once the endorphins were gone... so were the feelings of "love". That's not real love. That's a hormonally induced state of being high, basically.

The same goes for spirituality as well. To link it in with feelings is basically to say that spirituality is as conditional as feelings are sometimes. It's not though. I don't believe spirituality is necessarily "supernatural". Some cosmic "feeling" or state of being. I believe spirituality boils down to character. Integrity. It's something deep within us that we either function in or don't. I don't think it even necessarily has to do with religious belief. Because to me it's about who you are. Who you really are. Underneath this external shell, the wavering emotions, the facades the people sometimes put on.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 08:51 am

I don't believe spirituality is necessarily "supernatural". Some cosmic "feeling" or state of being. I believe spirituality boils down to character. Integrity.

So why the need for the word 'spirituality' at all then? Wouldn't using the words integrity and/or character instead be more apt and comprehensible?
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 09:11 am
DoKtorS wrote:
No, I wasn't talking about 'inspiration'. I don't mince my words.
Inspiration' is something totally different, ie the feeling of being inspired in one way or another.

Inspiration is the feeling of being inspired. That's about as enlightening as 'the red ball is the one with the color red'. :wink:
But this is beside the point, and I stand corrected regarding your choice of words.

Wholly different than 'spirituality' which deals with the nebulous non-entity known as the 'spirit'.

That is actually a very good description of the phenomenon of spirit. Self, which constitutes the greater part of spirit is something entirely illusory.While I thing that the spirit essentially is life, it may well be that spiritual activity is merely a consequence of physical life. But does that make it any less mystifying?
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 09:15 am

Self, which constitutes the greater part of spirit is something entirely illusory.While I thing that the spirit essentially is life, it may well be that spiritual activity is merely a consequence of physical life. But does that make it any less mystifying?

Huh? This entire paragraph is nonsensical.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 09:28 am
Doktor S wrote:

I don't believe spirituality is necessarily "supernatural". Some cosmic "feeling" or state of being. I believe spirituality boils down to character. Integrity.

So why the need for the word 'spirituality' at all then? Wouldn't using the words integrity and/or character instead be more apt and comprehensible?

Well... why the need for the word, "word"? Why not use "language" instead?
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 09:39 am
hephzibah wrote:
Doktor S wrote:

I don't believe spirituality is necessarily "supernatural". Some cosmic "feeling" or state of being. I believe spirituality boils down to character. Integrity.

So why the need for the word 'spirituality' at all then? Wouldn't using the words integrity and/or character instead be more apt and comprehensible?

Well... why the need for the word, "word"? Why not use "language" instead?

That doesn't follow from what I said, not even a little.
'word' and 'language' are both words with specific meanings, as are integrity and character. Spirituality is just a vortex of meaninglessness unless you justify it by comparison to other words that actually do have meaningful definitions.
Just because there is a word for something, doesn't mean it exists. Language is but a construct.
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 09:53 am

Try reading it again then. Or perhaps explain what is nonsensical about it? Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 10:29 am
Doktor S wrote:
hephzibah wrote:
Doktor S wrote:

I don't believe spirituality is necessarily "supernatural". Some cosmic "feeling" or state of being. I believe spirituality boils down to character. Integrity.

So why the need for the word 'spirituality' at all then? Wouldn't using the words integrity and/or character instead be more apt and comprehensible?

Well... why the need for the word, "word"? Why not use "language" instead?

That doesn't follow from what I said, not even a little.
'word' and 'language' are both words with specific meanings, as are integrity and character. Spirituality is just a vortex of meaninglessness unless you justify it by comparison to other words that actually do have meaningful definitions.
Just because there is a word for something, doesn't mean it exists. Language is but a construct.



1 a : something that is said b plural (1) : TALK, DISCOURSE <putting one's feelings into words> (2) : the text of a vocal musical composition c : a brief remark or conversation <would>
2 a (1) : a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use (2) : the entire set of linguistic forms produced by combining a single base with various inflectional elements without change in the part of speech elements b (1) : a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word <the> -- sometimes used with the first letter of a real or pretended taboo word prefixed as an often humorous euphemism <the> <we> (2) : any segment of written or printed discourse ordinarily appearing between spaces or between a space and a punctuation mark


1 a : the words, their pronunciation, and the methods of combining them used and understood by a community b (1) : audible, articulate, meaningful sound as produced by the action of the vocal organs (2) : a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings (3) : the suggestion by objects, actions, or conditions of associated ideas or feelings <language> (4) : the means by which animals communicate (5) : a formal system of signs and symbols (as FORTRAN or a calculus in logic) including rules for the formation and transformation of admissible expressions (6) : MACHINE LANGUAGE 1
2 a : form or manner of verbal expression; specifically : STYLE b : the vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or a department of knowledge c : PROFANITY
3 : the study of language especially as a school subject
4 : specific words especially in a law or regulation <added>

They are different but similar all at the same time.

Imagine that.... Cool

Cyracuz wrote:

Try reading it again then. Or perhaps explain what is nonsensical about it? Smile

Yes please. Smile
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 10:45 am
Cyracuz wrote:

Try reading it again then. Or perhaps explain what is nonsensical about it? Smile

Sure. The entire thing is nonsensical so I'll start from the beginning.

Self, which constitutes the greater part of spirit is something entirely illusory.

Here you are saying the ego is part of some greater whole called 'the spirit', and further that this ego is somehow illusory. Entirely nonsense until you define what spirituality actually is and how 'self' qualifies as a component of this.


While I thing[sic] that the spirit essentially is life, it may well be that spiritual activity is merely a consequence of physical life.

Here you are defining spirit as life itself(which would make 'spirit' a somewhat extraneous concept), and then going on to say it is somehow a consequence of itself.(huh?) Purely nonsensical.

But does that make it any less mystifying?

What is mystifying is how you expect meaning to be extrapolated from the gobbledygook you presented here.
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 11:11 am
Ignorance revealed.

There's been argument, and there is argument.
Is mental activity, or spiritual activity a result of biological life? Some claim this.

Is biological life a result of lifeforce, or spirit, manipulating otherwise 'dead' matter? Some claim this too.

Regardless of which of these is the case, the concept of consciousness, self, spirit, life is no less mystifying.

And when I say that self is illusory, it's based on a quite reasonable logical argument. That doesn't render the concept useless though.
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 11:28 am
Cyracuz wrote:
Ignorance revealed.

There's been argument, and there is argument.
Is mental activity, or spiritual activity a result of biological life? Some claim this.

Is biological life a result of lifeforce, or spirit, manipulating otherwise 'dead' matter? Some claim this too.

Regardless of which of these is the case, the concept of consciousness, self, spirit, life is no less mystifying.

And when I say that self is illusory, it's based on a quite reasonable logical argument. That doesn't render the concept useless though.

Before we proceed, one question for you.
Is english your native tongue? If not much would be explained.
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 11:35 am
No, it's not. What is explained by that?
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 11:42 am
Cyracuz wrote:
No, it's not. What is explained by that?

The way you express yourself in english is rough and unpolished.

Much of what you say probably makes more sense before translation, I'm thinking.
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 11:46 am
I don't translate. I have the abillity to think in english, since I use it more than my native tounge.

Since I have no one cultural influence as one would who grew up in an english speaking place, my wording is sometimes a mish mash of british and american english, formal and slang. Sorry for that, but I think I can hold my end of a conversation as well as anyone in here.
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Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 06:04 pm
Ok then, I will have to assume you mean to say what you are saying then. Very rexredian.


Is mental activity, or spiritual activity a result of biological life? Some claim this.

Is biological life a result of lifeforce, or spirit, manipulating otherwise 'dead' matter? Some claim this too.

People can claim just about anything. So what? And I thought you said spirit is life. Now you seem to be waffling and saying they are separate.
Just what is spirit anyway?

Regardless of which of these is the case, the concept of consciousness, self, spirit, life is no less mystifying.

Perhaps you remain mystified. I am only mystified as to why you think either of these is the case. Don't you think it's possible microscopic aliens control us via devices not unlike playstation controllers? Or how about the far-out idea that maybe life is just a bi-product of biological chemistry?

And when I say that self is illusory, it's based on a quite reasonable logical argument. That doesn't render the concept useless though.

Tell you what. Go walk into a wall, then tell yourself the pain is 'only an illusion'. The wordsmithing of 1000 eastern mystics won't make it hurt less, either.
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 06:14 pm
You don't want to understand this do you?

Or how about the far-out idea that maybe life is just a bi-product of biological chemistry?

This is pretty much what I mean by "Is mental activity, or spiritual activity a result of biological life?"

You ask what spirit is... Spirit is the force which manipulates matter, the focuspoint that gathers energy to form a physical body.

How would you explain life and consciousness?
0 Replies
Doktor S
Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 06:46 pm
Cyracuz wrote:
You don't want to understand this do you?

Oh, I do. Perhaps I already understand what you are saying and have recognized it as nonsense, or perhaps you just articulate your english poorly. I'm not certain which is the case at this point.

Or how about the far-out idea that maybe life is just a bi-product of biological chemistry?

This is pretty much what I mean by "Is mental activity, or spiritual activity a result of biological life?"

Mental activity is a result of neurons firing in the brain, and electrical signals travelling through neural-net pathways.
Spiritual activity....I don't recognize the existence of any such thing.

You ask what spirit is... Spirit is the force which manipulates matter, the focuspoint that gathers energy to form a physical body.

Quite the imagination you have there. Why should any rational person accept that?

How would you explain life and consciousness?

I think consciousness is just 'run off' from sense data. Sense data, obviously, is critical in negotiating our environment and continuing our DNA.
But I put very little weight on this question, as I find it meaningless..aside from maybe a little entertainment on a debate forum.
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Reply Sat 21 Oct, 2006 07:27 pm
Mental activity is a result of neurons firing in the brain, and electrical signals travelling through neural-net pathways.

So you're saying that it's impossible that neurons firing and electrical signals through neural net pathways are results of mental activity?

Scientist working in the field cannot say for sure which is a product of which.
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