How DO you do, oldandknew?
So very nice to meet you.
Together, you two just made this FIT-
I predict it will publish and be a Hit!!!!
I lost the page today, Letty- got one of those 'Page has expired', then "cannot find server" things... everything that could happen, DID.
The page also tells us we are posting on Friday 13th. Do you suppose the REAL Friday will be any worse?
Oh, I really like to write gibberish when I can THINK. Tonight I can't. I have been digging weeds , pulling crabgrass, and digging more weeds, until I have "glowed" (isn't that what southern women do when their pores pump water??)
I will come back tomorrow- if possible, and oldandknew- but I cannot write equal to the Parade of either you or Letty (together- oh my)