Thu 28 Sep, 2006 11:39 am
I spend a lot of my time fantazizng about great adventures and mysteries to unrvel. I want to visit museus, look at beautiful paintins and sculptures. I am refering to the mastrs, but also the mystics. Wouldn't it be great to find a hidden messge in some forgoten painting by an artist indiference made obscre? Or an encrypted message in a book that's faling apart? This isn't falling apar, but it is an encrypted message. So, all ye onlokers. Can you find the true message of this mediu? This fleting messag of rambling holds a shor sentence, and to read it ou must lok for what is, -to the ndoubted irritation of certain scholary professionals, left out.
I do believe we've already met, but that's cool. :-)
its "grateful", happy to meet you too.
Cyracuz, don't you know the cardinal rule of magicians? Never tell 'em how it's done.
You're right about that word farmerman. Thought it looked strange too, but there was a lot going on right then..