Sun 8 Jun, 2003 09:45 am
Upon a morning still and gay
a bird flocked its feathers in its nest made of hay.
An Egg did then fall, down out of her nest
leaving the bird to ponder whats best.
The bird screamed and sang a dreary old tale
for a wolf had now stumbled upon near her dale
and noticed a shimmer in the fimbling gale.
For the choice of this bird was to save her next kin,
but the wolf was fierce and the danger was grim.
But the Bird, she was brave and swooped down in might,
to rescue her egg which was caught in this blight.
The wolf soon glimpsed and saw his next meal,
for the bird had swooped down to rescue her egg,
but the wolf was ready and bit off her leg.
For now she was disabled, and unable to fly,
and her egg lay there near, both bound to die.
For this wolf, did not like eggs, and was just very nosey,
so in time the egg and the bird would of been cosy.
But the choice that the bird made was not all that wrong
and the instincts of the mother had became just too strong.
For without a choice, the bird would do nothing
but nothing in this case would of been the best,
for a choice in some cases is just merely a test.