What a great thread! I love trees, certifiable tree hugger. Ever notice how trees seem to have their own energy that you can really feel? Some feel so gentle, some so wise, some so sad.
There will always be a soft spot in my heart for the Manitoba Maple. Also known as Ash-leaved Maple, Box Elder, Acer negundo or 'Weeds' is how many refer to them here.
They are so tough: growing in any old spot, in cracks in sidewalks, in between all the flower beds, in shade and in blasting sun.
I have images of maples spreading out as far as the eye can see seared into my brain. The ground carpeted with their pods.
I love these trees.
Here's a link showing a common set of reactions to MM:
Great pics and info (since I'm having trouble getting any pictures to work tonight! argg):