Soz, post a picture? I loooove english oaks and pinoaks in landscaped areas and our native oaks in all their varied settings. In short, I love oaks (and their acorns).
I found a tree in Mt Auburn Cemetery (not just a cemetery for the ages, but also a park and arboreatum) which I had never heard of. I present Korean Evonia (or tetradium danielli devonia) - a fast growing, medium sized tree with great attributes (it's sustainable!). It has interesting, but not spectacular bark and leaves. In the late summer it blooms in clusters of red (or white, apparently) flowers. Quite eye-catching.
My photo from mt auburn - you can get asense of the shape and texture of the tree (the first one behind the statue):
I have another newly beloved tree I photod, but I didn't note the name. I have it as aralia, but that isn't right. Any help?