plainoldme wrote:Eva -- I think it sounds like you're doing everything right. There are very few certified teachers (for what certification is worth) with journalism credits. Most people who take journalism classes in college write.
Thanks for the affirmation! I didn't know that about "qualified" teachers. That does make me feel more comfortable.
Noddy wrote:Two words of advice:
Enforce Deadlines.
Hold your dominions.
Not to worry.
Actually, I've set this up so they'll have to enforce their own deadlines. If the Managing Editor doesn't get the articles & photos by deadline, the layout person will be screaming at him with no help from me! Peer pressure will be much more effective than lecturing.
Butrflynet wrote:...I gathered a bunch of websites that you might find helpful...
I found the "" site a couple of weeks ago and have been using many of their materials, but I haven't had time to delve deeply into the lesson plans (which, yes, I plan to do.) I've had to hit the ground running.
I took a quick look at the other sites, and they look extremely useful as well. Thank you SO MUCH! (((((HUGS)))))