Re: Does religion waste lives?
Eorl wrote:Imagine for a second that the atheists are right.
What a staggering amount of peoples lives is wasted on religion. Some lives are wholly devoted to an imaginary next life....that has to be the greatest waste of all.
That is precisely the problem eorl. Everyone seems to be so concerned with the "next" life there is very little focus or even thought about this one at all it seems. Religion is a waste. Religion in my opinion is nothing more than a set of rules derived from a need to feel self-righteous, holier than thou, and important or significant in this great big world we live in. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard "christians" say something along the lines of, "I hope Jesus comes back soon to rescue me from this horrible world."
What a lovely attitude. Many of these people who read the exact same bible I do are more concerned with their own welfare than they are the welfare of others, which is the opposite of what the bible teaches. It has become "Meet me on my terms and follow my rules and you will be accepted. However if you choose not to, well no problem, you're the one who will burn in hell not ME and Jesus is going to come rescue me from the likes of YOU soon anyway." *sigh*
Religion sucks. God does not though. Not the God I believe in anyway. People make religion what it is, not God. People beat others over the head with the "rules" and condemn them to hell for not "following them", not God. People get self-righteous and judgemental of those who don't believe the same way they do, not God. People fly air planes into buildings killing others with no thought of anything but the agenda their religion is putting forth, not God. People twist things around and even make things up to fit their own agenda, not God.
So blame religion all you want. I'll support you all the way on that. However, God is not religion, nor is He found in religion.