parados wrote-
Quote:You have managed to make edgar's statement almost prescient concerning anything else you would post here.
Ed's statement meant nothing except maybe that he was grumpy this morning. But how one might be "almost prescient" must be a bit like almost smelling a rat.
I think, with the context-
Quote:Which truth is that Ed?
How about a world of exclusive evolutionism being unworkable.
the second sentence is obviously a question but it would have been better with the ? I agree.
To read it otherwise seems stretching it. It was a bad typo. It is a truth in other eyes though. I gave the animal husbandry example without the details for reasons of decency. I presumed that most people would have a good idea what I meant. Evolution theory is based on animals because relevant human history is too short for the timescales being used by that theory and human behaviour is partially controlled by moralities of one sort or another whilst animal and plant behaviour isn't. Hence my example is relevant to a society with only strategies, both individual and group based and without an agreed morality.
I may not know what I write but you just don't write at all.
You have said nothing about Kenya nor the delicate balance I referred to.
And that's the topic I believe. Would, for example, Christianity being destroyed in Kenya leave a vacuum which Islam would rush to fill.
Neither have you identified the "we" which you used despite being asked. My missed ? being handy enough for futile distraction.
You have also omitted to show where I have said that I had proposed " we fix the teaching of evolution by including ID?" Not a peep. You just made it up.
You have said nothing about Joe's quote nor my comments about it.
I don't necessarily think that a society based on secular materialism is unworkable. It can't possibly be anything you would approve of assuming your quasi-Christian socialisation is still operative as it is for most. I meant "workable" in the accepted sense we have now. But the growing serial monogamy could with development reach the different partner every night stage without the need for any startling leaps just as the continual interference of government agencies in children's upbringing is moving towards lower age ranges and such a trend equally developed results in state rearing. Put the two together and the male/female barracks awaits. All of which might well "work" if one wishes to be pedantic about it.
You also refrained from commenting on the nepotism idea which is not an unimportant factor.