Stuh, This format seems to work well---
1) I think I understand the "BB" theory fairly well. I simply put it in mechanical terms rather than mathematical. But I do attempt to point out where it is ambiguous.
2) Agreed, but I see no basic difference between the temperatures and pressures between massive stars and black holes. A black hole is merely a heavier and hotter star which is simply an accumalation of matter, primarily hydrogen. We just can't see it, only feel it. Gravity and the red shift of light explains it adequetly. IMO natch

c) I guess I wasn't clear again

Agreed, it would take some cooling and expansion to take place before matter could possibly exist. The same can be said of a Black Hole. Matter could not exist as we know it in a Black Hole either. And I gave you three possible ways to take one apart!
3) Einsteins rules say in the universe--They don't mention out of space-time. Since the BB contains all space and all time and all forces the rule doesn't hold momentarily. And if you go along with that I have a bridge to sell you :wink:
4) I think we are getting closer. Whether or not it's possible, given the constraints of our immediate environment I can't judge. But I think this is just a mechanical limitation. We currently have no matter that would withstand the temperatures and pressures necessary. Since all we have to deal with is matter and energies than have (for lack of a better word) "condensed"out of the primordal soup it's unlikely that we can come up with material that is good enough to take apart matter.
5) Yes I did. That is the basis of the Gravitational "red shift". I also mentioned the Einstein-Eddington observations in the South African eclipse of 1929.
6)a I know of it as an expansion of space--Not within space. I think I mentioned that also.
b)A frontal wave of temperatures approaching the infinite and a speed faster lhan light IMO can fairly be called an explosion.
c) Personally this is my biggest single quarrel with the concept. The BB assumes a region of no forces and a time of no time. That is the only way they can get matter to travel "within the Universe" as fast as they seem to think it's travelling
7) Thanks,
a) The "expanding universe" theory requires a BB "explosion" (sorry

) in order to propel the matter within the universe at the aparent speeds of recession which is observed as the "red shift".
I think that the red shift is only an optical illusion caused by the travelling of light through eons of spacetime.
One more paragraph of simple mechanical explanation
A flywheel is a mechanical device for storing energy. (I trust you are familiar with them). You can put energy into a flywheel by rotating it and take it out by slowing it down. Therre are simple mechanical limitations as to how much energy can be stored in a given flywheel. When you exceed these limitations you no longer will have a flywheel.
A Black Hole is a device that stores energy. You can increase the amount of energy in a given black hole by throwing energy or matter into it. You may be able to get it out by "Hawking Radiation". When you exceed the amount of energy that a black hole can store you will no longer have a Black Hole.
Due to the law of conservation of motion as it pertains to angular momentum eventually the rotation of the black hole and centrifugal force (merely another aspect of the law) the "Black Hole" will come apart when centrifugal force exceeds the gravitational force. I am satisfied that that will happen eventually. However I was looking for an easier way to take it apart. I reason that if the BBer's can cancel gravity under some conditions then I'd ought to be able to. After all fair is fair, right. :wink: