I am afraid that this thread has turned into religion. I find it amusing to muse on how quickly this happens. :wink:
There happen to be several possible Universes which fit most of our possible observations. All of these Universes have relatively well educated champions. May I briefly describe the universes so we can decide which one we want to argue about.
So in no particular order---
1)A universe created by a superior intelligence using the laws of physics in a way which we may be able to understand someday----
2)A universe "Created" by a God in such a way that we will never be able to understand it---
3)A universe created by human perceptions. ("I think therefore I am", writ large)---
4)A universe created by a "Big Bang" which is an expansion of space, not within space---
5) The "flat" or "steady state" universe in which matter is formed at a sufficient rate to maintain an observed density----
6)The infinite universe that always was and always will be at a density similar to what we observe now (No boundries in time or distance)----
7)The infinite-evolving universe in which a "Big Bang"(within space) describes the horizon between classical-relativistic physics and Quantum Mechanics---
8) The multi dimensional universe in which the four observable dimensions are containing or contained within five to eleven other dimensions---
9) The mortal universe in which a Big Bang event fades off onto the distance never to reassemble----
10)The Rebounding universe in which a "Big Bang" is followed by a "Big Crunch" presumeably Banging out again and again ad infinitum---
You will notice that some of these universes have boundries in time, some have boundries in distance. some don't

Some require a temporary suspension of belief in the laws of physics. Some don't.
My point is that we are argueing theories as fact. There is a certain amount of evidence supporting all of them. It helps to be unpicky about what constitutes evidence. Unfortunetly it doesn't narrow the quest for a universe very much when you do get picky about the evidence
Personally I prefer #7,but it'd probably be better if we all argued the same universe.

Or maybe not