Sat 2 Sep, 2006 01:03 am
well just pick your favorite and if you have other ones just tell me to add them.
I went with baseball since you had it listed, however I wish the list also included bowling, bocce, kickball and archery.
For participation I'd go with bocce. For observation, probably basketball.
well i just put the most popular sports and also the major sports. i know how to play almost all the sports.
yamiyugifan84 wrote:well i just put the most popular sports and also the major sports...
And you didn't include Cricket?
Additionally, did you mean participating or observing?
well i guess ping pong isnt one of them and swimming but wat the heck. and as for favorite i meant how much do you like it, and watching it, and playing it.
I am surprised your list doesn't carry Cricket - the most popular game in South Asia and also my fave,btw.
Football (soccer) by far. Basketball follows at a distance. No interest in other team sports.