Lightwizard wrote:"V for Vendetta" was on of my favorite films of the year. It's satirical more tha quirky, playing on the Reagan years and Margaret Thatcher -- the direction the political right could easily end up in some future scenerio. It was done with such pinache that I was riveted to the screen right up to the bravura finale.
Hehe, now I am visualizing V with a pinache...I wouldn't put it past his character!
I have been avoiding this movie ever since I first saw mention of it.
In fact, just yesterday I made a comment to one of my friends asking him if he'd seen it because I wanted somebody to provide some affirmation that it sucked, thus justifying my lack of interest.
It looked like another one of those post-matrix idealistic action movies.
Well, your comment Lightwizard was the last straw so I watched it.
Well, it was all of those things I would thought it would be...but okay, I liked it
I think they could have toned down the idealism slightly, like showing V's human side a little bit more and also toning down the crowd following him at the end...but I agree it was well done.
Thanks for tipping me over the edge.