Wed 23 Aug, 2006 10:19 am
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I chose here. There are a group of us in AA trying to get a "step study" meeting going. If anyone out there has any information to share on such a meeting, please post it or email it to me. Thank you so much!
i did a quick internet search, and found
does that mean i win something?
Thank you both sooo much! I found this site last week but didn't go far enough into it to find the resources I needed. I just printed them off. Feel kind of foolish about that. But still - I'm very interested in any and all material I can get ahold of. I've been in the program for 6 months and got really excited about a step program from a speaker I heard a couple of Friday nights ago. He had some documentation from a group in Colorado. We were able to find an "old timer" to run the group for us who had documentation from California. Problem is that he just moved and would have to search deep for it. This site seems to have what he was talking about. Thanks again! And I'm still open to as much information as anyone is willing to give.
The only prize I have to give is the satisfaction that you were very helpful to a group of others. I hope that warms your heart!
glad to be of help...
(Arella Mae, we'll settle up later!)
Scorpia, you might be interesting to read some of the entries of
this thread as well.