If that is your belief than I hope it works for you.
May God guide us all. Take care
The only difference which I will cite between the scriptures is the
accuracy of the Torah and Bible has been distorted over the centuries.
A fact which stands undisputed by everyone. They are still finding books
of the bible (recently the Book of Judas was found, and the book attributed
to Marry Magdelene) which the clergy at the time of the Roman Empire
refused to incorporate into the official bible out of political and social
consideration. This I saw on a docomentary on CNN no less. Also,
download a documentary called "Who wrote the bible". I used
The Quran however, is exactly the way it was revealed to Muhammad.
A fact about the Quran which remains undisputed. So my sincere advise
to you Neo would be to read the Quran and do not look at it as something
different then the Bible or Torah. Look at it as the most recent and
updated version of the same revelation. The final chapter which clarifies
the same stories told in the bible and adds to them, in fact fixes some
mistakes in them as well.
An example would be the story of Adam and Eve.
In the Bible, you see Eve being blamed for seducing Adam
to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree. In the Quran, you
see a more accurate version of the story. It was not eve
which seduced Adam, but Satan. Nor was there any great
battle in Heaven between Satan and God. After Satan refused
to bow down to Adam, God simply told Satan to "get out from
this state, for it not for you to act proudly therein" and that was it.
Satan asked God for resptite "until the day that they are raised"
and God agreed, knowing that most of humanity would be led
astray by Satan. But with God its not about quantity, its about quality.
There are more historical proofs int he Quran, for example, in the Bible,
the Pharoah of Moses was drowned with his army. In the Quran, it was
revealed that God saved the Pharoah from death that day to make him
an example to the nations. This was before the body of Rameses II was
found, and today rests in a mumified state for all to see. So where the
Bible errs a little in detail, the Quran corrects it.
But its up to you. I have no power over you to make you read the Quran
if you dont want to. And arguing over this issue will yield nothing,
nor do I stand to gain anything from any debate.
PeAcE bud