I think nothing of spouting my opinion on religion, medicine, politics, sex, and a myriad of other subjects.............some in which I am well versed, others not so much.
I find though that I have trouble critiquing the prose or poetry posted by other members. I have thought about this, and attempted to figure out why. I will read something, often enjoy what I have read, but say nothing.
The first thought is that I am no maven in either writing or poetry, so that my thoughts would not be helpful to a budding author. But that is not really the reason, although that is the reason of which I delude myself.
There is something about prose and poetry that is so personal, that I feel almost like an intruder. I look at some of the work here, and feel that I am looking into a window to the deepest part of a human being, and I feel like a voyeur.
I know that the people who write on this forum want their work to be read, and I am going to make an effort to start writing about what I see here. But I am not going to find it easy!
How do YOU feel about critiquing other member's work?
Do you have difficulty discussing what other people write, especially when the work is extremely personal and revealing?
There is something about prose and poetry that is so personal, that I feel almost like an intruder. I look at some of the work here, and feel that I am looking into a window to the deepest part of a human being, and I feel like a voyeur.
My feelings, as well. Displaying one's writing is, IMO, a very personal thing--like being naked...
I always try to find a positive aspect to mention, and don't feel I could ever be critical of someone's writing.
Conversely, I bet there are many contributors who would like a balanced critique. Good topic, Phoenix!
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 12:26 pm
I don't feel that options you offered covered my reactions. In all honesty, as i have always attempted--if not always succeeded--to adhere to the unwritten rule on the web that it is bad form to take notice of grammatical and spelling errors, i would have to acknowledge that with a single set of exceptions, when i've criticized the text of what someone wrote, rather than the substance, i was taking a cheap shot. The single exception to which i refer are those cases in which i have corrected the English/American usage of one of our posters who is not a native speaker of these languages, and did so in the confidence that neither was i offering offense, nor that the individual in question would take offense.
On the topic of literary critique, i don't think it should be attempted unless it is known up front. This is a perfect candidate for the private messaging option; so i would answer either as complexly as i have done so here, or i would simply say: "No, i'm not."
Perhaps were it stated at the outset that the author wishes for that sort of response, the question could be obviated by that and an unwritten rule that it is bad form to do so otherwise.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 12:38 pm
Phoenix, just as sofia said,One of the reasons I dont comment on the short story writing and poetry of members is exactly this point. Who the hell am I, I have tastes and opin ions , many of which arent in synch with others. I think people who are willing to expose themselves by submitting writing for inspection should be given encouragement for doing so, and not picked apart for structure and grammar..
i STARTED A THREAD BACK ON ABUZZ LAST YEAR ABOUT "WHO ARE YOURE FAVORITE WRITERS ON ABUZZ" AND ITS AMAZING HOW WE ALL AGREED about identifying the best writers. i did this with my own list held to my chest but after about 3 or4 days I wrote my favorites and its amazing how our choices were fairly unanimous
Here on a2k, the communication doesnt include any crazies so the , funny, circular rambling posts of some of the old abuzz followers of Art Bell just arent here.
I do like to read some of the well crafted posts of many of the folks here, even when we dont agree. mostly those people, by being compelling writers, force me to look up what I had not previously known and by doing so, Ive furthered my education.
When I get passionate about a point, i almost write in one continuous thought that suffers from compositional error so i would love it to be told plainly that my writing suffers from poor (this, that or the other)
I dont have any childish pride of authorship since in my 25 years in the sciences , Ive had stuff taken apart by editors and co-authors to wind up with a better written journal product. in most of those cases I agree on the corrections and im always comparing the draft to the finished works.Similarly Ive sat on ed boards for articles and Ive met authors whove been total jerks about improvements to their articles. i even had one fella compare my graduate school with his and thereby concluding that he was more competent to judge his writing skills than our ed board. To him I wrote a letter commenting about how the faculty at his alma maters grad school was composed mostly of those who were trained at schools represented by the ed board, and we were , in essence commenting on the product of our own schools. what was weird, he accepted the argument or else he just shut up and complied .
see, there I am, wandering around and off base like some old fool.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 01:23 pm
I invite your opinions of my writing. I already know in advance that some of it is not going to be popular. I take that with a grain of salt. I have lately understood the need many writers have of getting an editor's (or some equivelent) help with a manuscript. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Until just recently most writers, no matter if established or not, had editors working with them much of the way. Now, it is largely 'self editing' and that only works for some of the best. I have taken to submitting my stories to the Writers' Digest Criticism Service once they are ready for a final rewrite. I have recieved just one story back so far, and I am very satisfied that they were constructive. I believe my final rewrite will reflect their effort, while still being exclusively my personal creation.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 01:30 pm
IMHO, the important thing about written language is that the reader understands what the message is all about. Beyond that, spelling and grammatical errors are moot. c.i.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 01:48 pm
I understood this forum to be for the presentation of the writing. I haven't read all the posts so I don't know how much people get into criticism.
My own writing circles from adequate to horrible and back again, thus bringing up the "who am I to criticize" question. I agree that people posting their writing are exhibiting something very personal. A well-meant comment could be like a sock in the stomach, even if the recipient responded cheerfully.
On the other hand, I follow writing as a subject. For example, I've stored links for different articles in the New York Times Writers on Writing series. I am exhilarated when I read exceptionally good writing. I like keeping my eye out for why one person's writing makes it for me, and another's doesn't, whether on a2k - where I am not that picky - or in my general reading.
I think it would be interesting to have questions and responses about writing technique, whether in this forum, or under the different language forums. I think it would be best if posts that are analytically critical of original writing would be in response to expressed desire by the author for that kind of response.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 01:49 pm
A submission online, in a forum such as this, is not always proofread with the same care one excercises when submitting to an editor. Perhaps it should be, but, I know I am often too hasty and send it right on. I am pretty sure others do the same.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 02:09 pm
edgar, I'm also guilty as charged. c.i.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 02:28 pm
As a painter rather than a writer I am well used to criticism at university as an important element of learning - BUT it is vital that criticism is constructive and never never destructive.
It is very difficult to criticise the work of others without a dialogue, where they can argue their point and discuss your points.That is as garbled a bit of writing as you will see!
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 02:33 pm
I am not talking, in my post, so much about spelling or grammar. I am amazed myself at the primitive misspellings I make..for example, when I wrote that post I had to edit myself for spelling "writing" as righting. That is a mistake I didn't make even when I was learning English, my native language, in elementary school.
I am talking instead about writing style and structure, diction, verbosity or spareness, use of analogy, allusion, alliteration..., variation in length of sentences; well, all sorts of things can be done to tweak a piece of writing, and I am interested in how people do that.
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cicerone imposter
Sun 1 Jun, 2003 02:48 pm
For me, atleast, it depends on how my grey matter upstairs is working at that moment. Sometimes, words come flowing, and at others, I can't remember the simplest ones. c.i.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 03:10 pm
I often am reduced to writing a mere outline of my subject. Then I come back and fill it in in layers until I have done all that I can. Then I rest on it for at least a few months before giving it a final version. I have a few that I have been struggling with most of my adult life. I think they may never be complete.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 03:39 pm
I believe it's aight for anyone to critique isn't that what makes us better writers and people? I mean the only way to achieve what we are desiring to achieve is to learn learn and understand that people that critique you're work aren't trying to hurt you, they are just trying to help you out and stating there opinions. Yes, some might be a little harsh but if they don't you will never learn.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 03:46 pm
It hurts my feelings for those who post original work, and no one replies! Aaaack! To see a negative review would slay me.
I think, in order to get a real critique in a forum like this--someone should create tutorial thread.
Submitters would know they would get objective treatment there.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 03:54 pm
I feel the same way, Sofia.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 03:59 pm
I think most of us here write more or less spontaneously - and the occasional grammar or typo thing happens and it's not really important.
To critique somebody's writing is difficult, however. I have worked as a writer and an editor, and still do do some editing. And I think editing is one of the hardest jobs there is. To be able to critique without having your own style or form get in the way is agonizing. I think it's more interesting to read what somebody has to say, as it's said. This way people are looser, not thinking over how they've said what, and so are more informal, and perhaps more honest in what they write.
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 05:05 pm
I would never dream of commenting on the spelling or grammar, unless the writer specifically asks for comments on these subjects. I think that I am going to start to comment on content, affect, emotional tone etc. Please don't jump down my throat. I am new at this!
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Sun 1 Jun, 2003 05:08 pm
You will be very severly judged, woman, and electrons may be thrown your way with reckless abandon . . .