I can tell you're having fun here.....
Setanta wrote:hingehead wrote:My first post is lost. I was posting for three days, flashing my sparkling wit and insight about then A2K crashed and all the posts disappeared into the ether. Poop.
I do remember my first Abuzz post, though. I replied to Moondoggy request for covers with a near canonical list - then discovered he was an ozzy too! The web is a small world.
I had a long discussion with some Antipodean jokers at AFUZZ (although the Lunar Canine didn't show up for that one) on the subject of the Fatal Shore--both the concept and the book. I believe it was started by someone taking umbrage to an Australian diplomatic initiative based on a contention that as the folks in Oz are all descended from vile criminals, they don't have the right to take a moral tone with anyone.
Were you in that thread? If you don't mind saying, what screen name did you use at AFUZZ?
Na Set, I think that thread predates my AFUZZ sign up. I've always used Hingehead.
smorgs wrote:osso wrote (throwing down her rubber glove)
Quote:She'll be sorry when i get ahold of her . . .
You wanna step off-line osso?
Well do ya?
Come on then if your hard enough!
(smorgs rolls sleeves of her bikini up)
I don't remember what that was about, so I'll just deny it...
Actually, i wrote that, but she mistook it for you . . . i've not said anything until now, though, because the thread took a really entertaining turn . . .
(all you Gurus in Training look alike...)
Do you want some to?
I can take on the pair of ya!
Have ya seen my butt cheeks?
...but don't mess with the hair, OK?
The hair on your butt-cheeks? Ewww.
Piss off Parker!
save it for the right thread (or else)
nice use of aliteration (look it up in your collin's little gem)
Don't need to... I is well clever
BTW... you spelt alliteration wrong...
ouch - that was really caustic (not)
Didn't want to make you cry. I know how sensitive you are.
First Osso...and then DP.
I smell another thread coming up. something along the lines of mud wrestling sounds good. :wink: