There have been found on eath, both at Yellowstone National Park in the United States, and in deep ocean volcanic vents, organism which can survive in temperatures far greater than had been previously thought. These thermophilic bacteria suggest that life can arise and survive in conditions far more hostile than we had previously thought. Additionally, "extremophiles" have been found in Antarctica surviving in temperatures far colder than had been previously thought. The parameters for the successful survival of
life as we know it have been greatly expanded by discoveries in the last few decades.
Additionally, there is now evidence that even within our own solar system, it is not impossible that the conditions for life to survive may not be limited to our own planet. Recently, a moon of Saturn, Enceladus, has shown evidence (or is believed to show evidence) of liquid water in a part of the solar system in which we had previously not thought it possible.
This article explains the evidence which has been found. Everything we learn on this fascinating topic just shows us how much we don't know.