trying to find detailed information about grass' early life is not particularly easy . perhaps not really much to say about his early life .
it seems that an actual biography about his life has not been written yet .
after checking a number of google sources , it seems that wikipedia is probably the most accurate record - until the actual biography is published .
the english and german versions of wikipedia seem quite consistent .
also , based upon personal experience , i would agree with it unless other information should come forth .
i would summarize his war service as follows :
- he was a highschool-student (gymnasium) until 1942 .
- he was drafted into the "reichsarbeitsdienst" (german labour service - it was called "ditch digging") in 1942 - this was a mandatory service for all german youth .
- he was drafted into the waffen-ss in november 1944 ; again , this was a mandatory service .
my own experience ( for anyone who is interested ) :
i'm 2 1/2 years younger than grass .
in late 1944-early 1945 i was in a school in babylon/bavaria - formerly , and now again , a part of the tschech republic .
schools had been closed in hamburg since 1943 and our school was evacuated to bavaria . our school was actually not very far from marienbad , where grass became a POW .
in early april 1945 our school-administrator was advised that a waffen-ss recruiting team would be coming to our school . while we - the students - were not told of this upcoming "visit" , the teaching staff was well aware of it (our teacher told us the whole story after the war had ended - which was only a month later ! ).
one morning in early april - i can't recall the exact date - we were called early and all the bigger boys were told that we had to get fire-wood for the kitchen from the forest , and that we would be gone all day .
two of our teachers marched through the forest with us for probably a couple of hours , until we were met by a forester . we did some wood-chopping and had a great old time .
of course , we had no idea that the recruiting team had in the meantime arrived at our school .
the smaller and younger boys had been left behind with most of the teaching staff because it was felt that , if the ss-team would find no one at school , it would look just too suspicious .
we came back after darkness and were told to rest at the edge of the forest while one of the teachers went "to check things out " .
since the team had left , we could now go back , have supper and go to bed .
while the students that had remained behind told us about some soldiers "visiting " , we had no clue that those "visitors" had been looking for us .
had it not been for our teachers who had been willing to literally "put their life on the line" for us , we would have wound up as conscripts in the waffen-ss .
there is no doubt in my mind that our teachers would have been in a lot of trouble - they quite possibly might have been executed - if the waffen-ss team would have figured out that they had been fooled .
german army units were already having difficulty moving around during the daytime since allied fighter planes were buzzing around almost constantly , so we never saw the ss-team again .
lucky us !
about april 30 the first u.s. army unit arrived in the village , looked us over and decided that we were just a bunch of kids .
on may 6 1945 we left what now was no longer part of germany (!) , but part of the tschech republic again and started our footmarch back to germany .
our administrator had been told by an american officer that they would be withdrawing shortly and hand things over to the soviet army . so his advice was to get the boys out now !
more luck - or who knows where we would have wound up !
i guess the point i wanted to make - and it took me a long time - was , that grass having been drafted into the waffen-ss was nothing unusual - just some bad luck !
"Grass was born in the Free City of Danzig on October 16, 1927, to Willy Grass (1899-1979), a Protestant ethnic German, and Helene (née Knoff) Grass (1898-1954), a Roman Catholic of Kashubian-Polish origin [1][2]. The couple had a grocery store with an attached apartment in Danzig-Langfuhr (now Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz). He has one sister, born in 1930.
Grass attended the Danzig Gymnasium Conradinum. He volunteered for submarine service with the Kriegsmarine, [3] and was drafted into the Reichsarbeitsdienst (1942) and in November 1944 into the Waffen-SS. Grass saw combat with the 10th SS Panzer Division Frundsberg from February 1945 until he was was wounded on April 20th 1945 and sent afterwards to an American POW camp."
wikipedia - german version
"Günter Grass wurde am 16. Oktober 1927 als Günther Graß in Danzig-Langfuhr geboren. Er stammt aus einer Kaufmannsfamilie. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde er nach Ableistung des Arbeitsdienstes 1944 zur Waffen-SS in der 10. SS-Panzer-Division Frundsberg" einberufen. Grass wurde am 8. Mai 1945 in Marienbad gefangen genommen und war bis zum 24. April 1946 amerikanischer Kriegsgefangener."