Fri 30 May, 2003 08:22 pm
I sit here in Purgatory,
My mind overthinking.
Thoughts become dreams.
Abstract failures dance.
Upon my eyes they swirl.
Into my heart they drill.
My tongue retracts,
with panges of coldness.
-dismal nervousness now,
of the ruins of which to come.
it heckles my losses.
yet try not to coerce myself,
Who cares? I have failed..
Cynical stares greet my smile;
Noone knows except those I's
Now mangled with black and auburn
I have lost my only grievance,
and see the outside, inside out.
I sit here in purgatory,
My mind overthinking.
A self serving Bump
If someone would reply me neediness would calm itself... Talk about how boring the poem is, or how you don't identify, or how you think it should be called POO etry, I don't care I just need input because I can't bare to get nothing... HAHAHAHAHA
u seem to need an awful lot of attention. lol but, ( u said be mean ) i like the flow and tempo of this poem, i also like the feel I got from it. You're quote "the more the universe..." has been the way i've been seeing things for the last couple weeks or so, so "I'm feelin' u."
Thank you for the small light of attention. Needing attention and having a short attention span can be terrible.
About the quote...
The thing about Nihilism is that people seem to fall in and out of it.. Too depressing to open the wall for that long. Oh well, that had something pertaining the subject but I lost it through my moonstruck hands..