Fri 30 May, 2003 11:05 am
(Sorry, this isn't one of my bests but here goes anyways...)
My Only Shade.
I once saw a world of color.
Now it's black,
Nothing but thunder.
The light is gone,
And I don't care.
All because you aren't there.
Without you I can't see.
You can't hear without me.
If I were to break,
And die today.
Would anyone care?
Would they look away?
You would care,
But now you're gone.
You moved away,
With your mom.
Sure we chat,
On the phone.
But you're gone to me.
I'm all alone.
I love you,
More than life it's self,
But it just can't work out.
Should I live?
Should I die?
Should I break down and cry?
If I live,
The dark will stay.
And black will be
My only shade.
Looking forward to seeing more. Welcome to Able2Know.