Doody head is out. Sorry. I don't want to insinuate that I am a doody head or that someone's child is a doody head.
"Peewee" sounds too mallish, like a Santa photo or something.
So littlegreen doesn't strike anyone's fancy but mine, huh?
Is it because the song is so sad?
I kind of like it because it has a special meaning for me but the words also describe children: little and green.
I'm rationalizing.....
Now I'm thinking TV.....
Mrgreenjeans (from captain kangaroo) is already taken but greenjeans appears to be available. is taken too. -- gone
Eyespy is up for sale - I kind of like that if they don't want a fortune for it.... I'm sure I'd have to spell or explain "it's "eye" not "i" blahblahblah......
Hurrrghhhh - they want $92,000 for it. Forget that!
I was goofing on Doody Head, as was I'm sure Chai before me.
Green thing brings up greenpeace (er, divisive) or golf courses...
I'll be bald about it and say I don't like the My DNA thing, though I guess it zeroes in on folks who've heard of DNA and can spell it.
I still like some version of freeze tag, like maybe freeze/tag.
Hmmm, stop watch...
I want to go back over the suggestions so far..
A lot of this is generational, or even semihemi generational. Being my age (grandma?? goodlord, great grandma??), I don't get a lot of the generational refs from your age, boomer, and then there'll be new stuff from the twenty-folds.
But you want all those people attracted to/to remember the name.
Which makes me think something either photo clever, like djjd was riffing with .... or the opposite, totally goofy, oh, say Bunches of Carrots. Hmmm, carrot stops, oh, never mind.
I am no good with the childhood pop culture references, because I grew up in another culture / language.
But, randomly associating and are still free is still free
and so are on the other hand - I was thinking Lucky Luke - taken, and announces itself to be for sale.
nimh! It is so funny that you mention "lucky". My first thoughts were of "lucky" and I 've tried a million possible combinations.
My domain name guru says that it doesn't have to make sense it just has to be easy to remember, not have any weird puntcuation or spelling and be a (among other things). I trust him on these particluars.
I have spent some time dealing with a bad domain (against my advice)name so....
Well, I don't want to do that again. It really is more problematic than you might ever think (it's "f" as in "fantastic" followed by "this" and "that" and all as one word and .net, so "f" "this" "that" "dot" net".
Having to do that again starts making "doody head" look good..
No, that's "doody" with a "y", not an "ie". No there isn't a space or a underscore between doody and head - it's all one word. That's double-u, double-u, double-u, dot. D (no, not "b" but "d" as in . errrrr
dedicated) O-O-D ("dedicated", again) -Y-H-E (no, not "t", "e", as in uhhhh.... "excellent") A - D (No, not "p", "d" as in.... errr...... "dumbshit").
I have lived in no-accent-land for more than a decade and I still get this crap. Even "natives" (that's "a" as in "apple") get this stuff. People are illiterate.
Simple words. Easy to spell. Easy to hear.
I am so not kidding.
Thelastonestopped (to say, "The End")
Tiddly Winks
Kootie Shot
Teeter Totter
See Saw
Green themed:
Sprouts, Seedlings
Acorns (from little acrons grow great oaks)
olioliumcomfree (nope, who could actually spell it right?)
Perma Tykes
Memory Bridge
Memory Avenue
Camera Kids
In Camera Kids
Flutterby Memories.
hmmm, part of me likes See Saw. Part of me doesn't.
This could get aggravating.
gravel apples
crab apples
apple sauce
apple smiles
insense and peppermints (oh, no, never mind).
Snap Happy
Let's Play Snap!
Snap It Up
Pic O'The Litter
Trick Photos
Hey! Thanks!
fefiphoto still looks up for grabs but I'm wondering if I would have to spell it every time.
memorybridge might be available.
seesaw is taken
I'm going to have to check out some of the others.....
"Snap" is kind of a bad word in that it makes me think of snapshots. This might just be me - I differentiate between snapshots and pictures and I keep albums for each.
Still, it does have a catchy sound, it is easy to spell and isn't often misheard.
I think that is the real trick - hearing it and remembering it so you don't have to rely on them finding your card or seeing an ad. That's where things like "pics" (pics?, pix?, picks?) and "kidz" cause problems.
That's one of the reasons I'm not too worried about riffing on the photography or child aspect of things. People who are looking for it will already know that it is about portraits of children. I really think an expression that evokes childhood memories will be better than something really specific.
What about nostagia foods? is already taken.....
Sozobe would be good at this, but she's on vacation, isn't she...
chicken licken
Boomer, how about fefifoto? Then you can say "all f's". But better to not have to explain it at all, I know.
other games? - I'm thinking candy, but maybe that's too baby-ish - too hard to spell?
other candy?
I liked the Mother Goose idea, but lots of those seem to be taken.
What about songs? is taken - pest control! and are taken
I think you'd have to spell anything riffing on "fe fi." I personally would spell it "Fee Fie" since that's how it was in my book of fairy tales.
Kickthecan is kinda neat.