Good grief, what can I say??????
Damn, this is just crazy, Roberta. I
really want to box a few ears!!!
Update: I filed the papers today. A hearing date is set. Don't know if what I submitted is right or not, but the ball is rolling.
Big sigh.
OK, girl. Glad to hear from you. To me your case should be a slam dunk. But we all know **** flies. Wishing you much luck.
In the meantime, how is Mikey?
The very best of luck with this, Roberta!
Not a slam dunk, Osso. Not even close. Mikey is big--and dopey. That translates to, Mikey is fine.
Thanks for the good wishes, msolga.
Roberta wrote:Not a slam dunk, Osso. Not even close. Mikey is big--and dopey. That translates to, Mikey is fine.
Thanks for the good wishes, msolga.
But how is Boida?
Hiya Deb,
How am I? Angry (now a constant), tired, broke, and hanging on by a fingernail.
But my health seems to be holding up. I'm grateful for that.
How's by you?
Fingers crossed for you - hang in there, mate!
I mailed in one of the parts of the papers that I found out was missing. In the course of my trying to figure out what this thing was supposed to be, I did some poking around online. Didn't find the answer to my question, but I did find that some of what I've done is wrong.
I'm trying not to worry. When the trustee tells me no, that's when I'll be concerned.
And there was no indication of whether my mistakes would affect the return of my purloined money.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Ha! The money taken was almost $5000. The filing fee, the fee for the course, and transportation to and from the court comes to almost $500.
I'd better get that money back. Snarl.
Roberta wrote:I mailed in one of the parts of the papers that I found out was missing. In the course of my trying to figure out what this thing was supposed to be, I did some poking around online. Didn't find the answer to my question, but I did find that some of what I've done is wrong.
I'm trying not to worry. When the trustee tells me no, that's when I'll be concerned.
And there was no indication of whether my mistakes would affect the return of my purloined money.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Ha! The money taken was almost $5000. The filing fee, the fee for the course, and transportation to and from the court comes to almost $500.
I'd better get that money back. Snarl.
Crossing everything for you Boida.
Mine are still crossed, Roberta! (I think I'm getting cramps! :wink: )
This is over. I missed a deadline that I didn't know existed, so I won't be getting my money back. I had things missing and wrong in my papers. I met with the trustee. Although he couldn't tell me directly what to do, it seemed obvious that it's over. The whole point was getting the money back.
Little irony: I wouldn't have missed the deadline if it hadn't been for the credit counseling. I had the papers ready and went to submit them only to be turned away because of the credit counseling.
Fed up, but moving on.
How incredibly frustrating.
I just don't GET how some dumb bit of paper stuff can stop you getting your money back, but I am so sorry.
How's survival going?
Pointless to try to understand. Maybe that was my problem. I actually tried to make sense of the whole thing, when I probably would have been better off not thinking.
I'm catching up on work, trying to find part-time work or extra freelance.
Basically, I'm just plain tired--which is an improvement over exhausted, which I was last week.
Roberta wrote:This is over. I missed a deadline that I didn't know existed, so I won't be getting my money back. I had things missing and wrong in my papers. I met with the trustee. Although he couldn't tell me directly what to do, it seemed obvious that it's over. The whole point was getting the money back.
Little irony: I wouldn't have missed the deadline if it hadn't been for the credit counseling. I had the papers ready and went to submit them only to be turned away because of the credit counseling.
Fed up, but moving on.
Oh, Roberta, I'm so very sorry!
And even more outraged than I was before. That is terrible!
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