Mon 17 Jul, 2006 01:13 pm
Anyone played that riddle? I´m stuck in level 9, and if someone can give me clues about that man´s identity, it would be great..!
If you want some help to get level 9, just ask!
Level 9
I'm on level 8 trying to get there! I've entered in tons of things regarding beethoven and his ninth symphony but i guess i'm on the wrong track.
I just started the dracula riddle a day ago. I am on level 46 but i am at an extreme standstill. I'll help anyone who can help me.
Riddles are fun is a genius!
That's pretty impressive! I'm working on level 12, I have no clue. It's the remove the zeroes one with the foggy words... I'm lost! hint!?
Any help on level 22 (The relics)? I'm ridiculously stuck.
I've downloaded the zip file...
Level 19.
I am currently stuck on level 19 can anyone help me.
There is the link.^^^^
Please help me.
Truly yours, sincerely GreyFox.
Level 12
Could someone please help me out with this level, I'm trying all kinds of things... transposing and placing x's and 0's all over the place... Please help if you can!
Okay so I got through level 12... I'm stuck on 16 red_path.htm... just outside the first mansion... i see the hidden skull in the picture but can't figure anything else out...
Just ask yourself what the red path is pointing to...
Can anyone give me a clue on number 23?
on 23: clue is u needed help...
> riddlesarefun: wer r u exactly in 46?
I finished it about a week ago.
hey, im new here.. i need some help with lvl16, the one with the redpath and the coordinates. i have no idea on what i should do with it.
pls help..
what's #11?
I guessed deatheverywhere and plenty of variations of that phrase... all incorrect so far.
Level 3, I', so stuck
Whats the answer to the riddle
Without light I could not live
Light weakens me
I am nothing and I am because of you?
someone please help
i just answered this on another thread
level 9
Could people help me.. I'm stuck in level 9 in the draculas riddle.. just cant figure out ghosts identity..
Edit: And how meny levels does draculas riddle have?
Found about this site today, but have no idea what I am supposed to do.....or if the downloads are spyware or virus free.
Help me PLEASE. I feel stupider than ever. Im stuck on 6. Ive got to the skull thingy. I just need to know/find the cordinents.
Ridddle wrote:If you want some help to get level 9, just ask!
i got all the nine clues, but still dont know the answer. anymore clues you can give? i can get those clues he's talking about, like what's with / in the third clue and the Velocity word in that page