Sun 25 May, 2003 04:30 am
On the edge of eternal plight,
breeds internal sighs
of ill-fated life.
Sought, didnt find sturdy shoulders
to rest, flowing tears
from wilting eyes
which no longer hide
severe turmoil churning inside.
In the freezing cold of darkness,
those once wilting eyes, now lifeless,
stare and forever tell of a hurt worse
than a fragile soul could ever reveal.
©2003 RavenEye
Hello Rae,
I know it is sad, but sometimes life is very dark. Thanks for writing.
The imagery in that is really well done. Although it's quite sad, it's written in such a beautiful and peaceful way. But sometimes sadness is beautiful, like you've proved in this.
Hi, Scarling77, :wink:
I am so glad you wrote!! You have expressed my sentiments exactly!! I appreciate your kind thoughts about my poem. Again, thanks for writing!!
i resurected this one after reading your other one. i think scarling77 described it best as peacefully sadening. its just perfectly said.
anyway i almost didn't catch the emotion of the poem the first time i read it because i was stuck on the words and the way it was written (intelligent and well thought out). so i read it again and liked it even more. keep up the great work.
Hello rayray,
It is so good to hear from you! Thank you so much for the kind comments. They mean alot to me.
That was great RavenEye! Sad poetry has always been my favorite because it shows the dark side of life and your poem sums it all up, well done!
RavenEye, others have commented on the beauty of your poem and I can only agree. You write with a tenderness that makes the girl's fragility tragically real. I look forward to more of your writing.
Hi BitterSweetMemeories,
Thank you for writing!! I am elated you liked my poem. I agree, I like the darker side of writing. It brings out more emotion from the writer and reader. At least, in my opinion!!
Hi Diane,
It is so good to hear from you!! I am so glad you liked my poem. I am overwhelmed by your praise for it! Thank you so much for writing!! I'll be posting again soon. I look forward to reading what you think of it!!