Sat 15 Jul, 2006 08:10 am
Ever since the fall of the Twin Towers the economy has taken several blows...can all the problems we are facing in America's economy today be rooted back to the terrorist act on 9/11? And where is the war leading.....could it be the end of a supreme power....or as some Christians believe....the end of the world?
Events currently in progress will resolve to the benefit of The US in the narrow sense, but more importantly, in terms of the broader picture will result in the spread of freedom and democracy, increase stability and prosperity, and in general serve to the overall benefit of humankind. A side benefit, inevitable, and relatively near term, will be the end of radical militant Islamofascism as a geopolitical factor, with concommitant reduction of global terrorism, and another, in the longer term but none the less for that more significant for the overall human condition, will be the ultimate collapse of Totalitarian Socialism, with China, North Korea, and Viet Nam entering the world community of democratic nations.
World War III is well underway. While in 1914 and again in the latter 1930s, The US sought to hold itself aloof from international conflict, which in the first instance engulfed Europe and was resolved only through US participation, and in the second instance engulfed both Asia and Europe, again to be resolved only through US participation, the current situation is that The US has responded first, engaging the forces of totalitarianism and repression while much of the World Community strives to hold itself aloof from conflict. Those who today militarily engage The US, and those who today politically oppose US geopolitical action, make the same mistake, and that mistake is the same mistake made by those who in the last century underestimated the resolve and capability of The US.
in responds to your post
Well thank you very much on your input but i disagree....i think that as long as we are at war it is the people and economy who will suffer....and until proven other wise i will continue to think this way!!!.......thank you once again.
I think it'll be sad when the apparent goal of the 9-11 attacks succeeds in the long term, and what was the short term.
Makes you think about what were doing and what has worked, what may work and hopefully how long all of that may take.
Well the murderous attacks on American soil were such a shock, not only to Americans but the rest of the world also. The President acted swiftly in attacking Afghanistan, a country which would not entertain requests to hand over the alleged mastermind of the terrorist faction. When engagement was directed at Iraq it appears this is exactly were it started to all go wrong, do you think?
There's a war on somewhere? Damn!!!! I'm hungry....
It's been some years now and it doesn't feel any better being associated with a warlord: G W Bush. Thankfully it isn't worse, he's our warlord, only our president.