cicerone imposter wrote:Letty, Ofcoarse we prefer credible sources in most things we rely on to provide us with new knowledge or confirmation of what we believe to be true.
There are some information "out there" in webland that may just be generalities to keep it simple without the minute detail of accuracy. If a statement says, "Most Americans live better than 80 percent of all people living today," it can be a truism without being specific on the details. Likewise, there might be more accuracy needed to make comparisons between, say, the standard of living for Americans vs Germans.
There are so many "facts" concerning the details of comparing the two countries, that it may increase confusion more than clarify. When these kinds of questions come up, we can only speak in personal terms; our own experience and observations. That's the only "accuracy" we can rely on.l
Well said!
Also some valid points Cicerone!
At least you get what I'm saying.
Yitwail first said:
"i don't want to evade the question of what makes one source more reliable than another, but i have to give it more thought before i can give an answer that seems adequate to me".
Then said:
"i personally prefer that the compiler of the data makes a conscientious effort to provide reliable statistics."
From where will these reliable 'best' statistics come? Oh......reliable or 'best' sources of course.
Can you give me the 'best' statistics from the 'best' and most reliable sources regarding the information contained in my first post?
Then please explain why they are the best and/or most reliable?
Best and most are subjective are they not?
"CI, i don't need statistics to demonstrate that wealth & opportunity aren't distributed equally across the world."
We know you don't need any statistics or anything else for that matter yitwail to inform you of the disparity in the world.
I did not post the information based on what you needed... so it's cool then.
Maybe someone else will find some value in what I posted even if it does'nt measure up to
your standards of 'best' and 'most' accurate ....yitwail.