The stark reality

Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 01:36 am
yitwail wrote:
last checkup i had was within the last 2 years, and apparently all was normal, so my anemia is in remission perhaps. kidney stones sounds awful, but if it's due to excess hemoglobin, i hope you're spared application of leeches. Shocked

let me add a postscript to my last comment. this particular exercise in "quibbling" had an entertainment value for me as well--i did receive an email today from Dr. Harter denying authorship, and even if the piece was a well-known hoax, i at least spotted it independently.

the problem with fortune is that it tends to be cyclic. if it's general trend is upward, i'd just as soon it went in a straight line, rather than an upward trending zigzag.

A straight line sounds great to me. Kidney stones are beyond awful. They more resemble sharp jagged razors than your average (rather smooth) stone. My hemoglobin is a result of my kidney disease...not the other way around. Leeches would be of no benefit.

Congrats on discovering the hoax.

My purpose was to merely encourage people to focus on the things in life that are good and right....the blessings....as opposed to all which goes wrong.

I posted for myself I think as much as for others. I must focus on the good things in my life.

So do alot of others.

I meant no foul towards you.....until you aggravated me that is.

just kidding. Goodnight.
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 03:23 pm
Missed the Point
yitwail, I believe you missed the point. It is not about statistics, it is about being grateful.

When I was in the Navy many years ago, my ship visited a port in South America. The country was extremely poor by our standards. We sailors were met at the dock by dozens of children begging for money. Being young I had not seen the disparity of the rich and poor. After giving away all my change the children, many of them hungry, and dirty kept on asking. I remarked "I am not rich, I don't have a lot of money." One of the children looked up at me, I will never forget those eyes, and said: "You are an American, you rich." That chance event has stayed with me for 50 years. The point is we have a lot to be thankful for and we need to help others at every opportunity.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 03:49 pm
Lekatt, You have the proper perspective about "rich." It's all relative to our personal experience.
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 07:07 pm
I agree Lekatt. People are fortunate to just have running water that is clean enough to drink...by many people's standards....such people would also be considered rich.

Even the American poor......are rich in others eyes.

Many people would like to boast of their financial successes and many other accomplishments but, none of us chose what family and in what nation to be born.
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 09:46 pm
Lekatt, throughout my childhood & adolescence, my mother & i were the poorest people i personally knew of. so i appreciate my current good fortune and support efforts to help the needy. however, if a cause is important, it seems to me that it's best served by conscientiously gathering & presenting the best available data to demonstrate the gravity of the situation that needs to be addressed.
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2006 11:14 pm
yitwail wrote:
Lekatt, throughout my childhood & adolescence, my mother & i were the poorest people i personally knew of. so i appreciate my current good fortune and support efforts to help the needy. however, if a cause is important, it seems to me that it's best served by conscientiously gathering & presenting the best available data to demonstrate the gravity of the situation that needs to be addressed.

Good point.

In your opinion....what would constitute the 'best' available data yitwail? This question cannot be taken lightly if one is to successfully "demonstrate the gravity of any situation that needs addressed".

Would data that was independantly collected by a number of unassociated sources that tend to agree with one another suffice or by some other standard or measure?

Please be as clear and concise as you can be.

Many times I see sources of all varieties where one person would claim their source and data to be superior over another (to be the best) and have no clue how they came to such a conclusion.

It often times ends up looking like the person who claims 'their' source and data is superior and more accurate is... merely because it helps to support the persons claims or diminishes the claims or stats of another.

Anyone else ever get that feeling? Call me a skeptic.

I'm glad to hear of your good fortune yitwail. I hope it remains with you and multiplies. If you continue to have a heart for the needy and help when you can.....I believe your fortune will multiply.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 12:14 am
Re: Missed the Point
Lekatt wrote:
yitwail, I believe you missed the point. It is not about statistics, it is about being grateful.

When I was in the Navy many years ago, my ship visited a port in South America. The country was extremely poor by our standards. We sailors were met at the dock by dozens of children begging for money. Being young I had not seen the disparity of the rich and poor. After giving away all my change the children, many of them hungry, and dirty kept on asking. I remarked "I am not rich, I don't have a lot of money." One of the children looked up at me, I will never forget those eyes, and said: "You are an American, you rich." That chance event has stayed with me for 50 years. The point is we have a lot to be thankful for and we need to help others at every opportunity.


By the way Lekatt...I have a cousin who currently volunteers for Doctors without borders and through the grapevine of the family hear almost endless stories that could pierce the most hardened of hearts.

Some of the people who are helped are convinced that my cousin and the like are actual angels from heaven sent by God.

Reminds me of a short story where a rather blessed man was in deep despair over the suffering that people endure on this planet and questioning whether there was a God of any kind. Asking and pleading with this seemingly distant and unmoved God to send help for the people who he saw suffering daily.

One day God answered and told the man "I did send someone to help and guide others"!

Who? said the man.

God says......I sent you. I gave you the heart to do it and.....that's all you need to begin. What are ye waiting for?
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 05:11 am
Re: Missed the Point
Bartikus wrote:
Lekatt wrote:
yitwail, I believe you missed the point. It is not about statistics, it is about being grateful.

When I was in the Navy many years ago, my ship visited a port in South America. The country was extremely poor by our standards. We sailors were met at the dock by dozens of children begging for money. Being young I had not seen the disparity of the rich and poor. After giving away all my change the children, many of them hungry, and dirty kept on asking. I remarked "I am not rich, I don't have a lot of money." One of the children looked up at me, I will never forget those eyes, and said: "You are an American, you rich." That chance event has stayed with me for 50 years. The point is we have a lot to be thankful for and we need to help others at every opportunity.


By the way Lekatt...I have a cousin who currently volunteers for Doctors without borders and through the grapevine of the family hear almost endless stories that could pierce the most hardened of hearts.

Some of the people who are helped are convinced that my cousin and the like are actual angels from heaven sent by God.

Reminds me of a short story where a rather blessed man was in deep despair over the suffering that people endure on this planet and questioning whether there was a God of any kind. Asking and pleading with this seemingly distant and unmoved God to send help for the people who he saw suffering daily.

One day God answered and told the man "I did send someone to help and guide others"!

Who? said the man.

God says......I sent you. I gave you the heart to do it and.....that's all you need to begin. What are ye waiting for?

Very good, beautifully put. We should all be thankful for our good fortune.

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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 07:54 am
Bartikus wrote:
yitwail wrote:

In your opinion....what would constitute the 'best' available data yitwail? This question cannot be taken lightly if one is to successfully "demonstrate the gravity of any situation that needs addressed".

Would data that was independantly collected by a number of unassociated sources that tend to agree with one another suffice or by some other standard or measure?

Please be as clear and concise as you can be.

Many times I see sources of all varieties where one person would claim their source and data to be superior over another (to be the best) and have no clue how they came to such a conclusion.

It often times ends up looking like the person who claims 'their' source and data is superior and more accurate is... merely because it helps to support the persons claims or diminishes the claims or stats of another.

Anyone else ever get that feeling? Call me a skeptic.

excellent question, bartikus. i think it's mainly a question of so-called intellectual honesty. in the case where evidence is gathered in support of a controversial conclusion, the main arguments against one's conclusion need to be addressed and ideally refuted, or else one needs to at least demonstrate that a vast preponderance of evidence supports one's position. in less controversial cases, i think doing one's homework, by verifying data firsthand with original sources and using the best available sources, is good practice. if several independent sources agree, that strengthens the finding; if sources are in disagreement, then the data should not be used, unless there's convincing reason to choose one source over another.

i don't want to evade the question of what makes one source more reliable than another, but i have to give it more thought before i can give an answer that seems adequate to me. still, i'll mention one example that comes to mind. all things being equal, i would choose recent data over older data. in particular, if the recent data were gathered in response to the older findings, in order to address some discrepancy that the older data suggested, then i personally would use the newer data.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 10:10 am
yitwail, I think we need to be reasonable about what "estimates" represent in our lives. Even the US performs a national census every ten years, and anything that happens during the intervening years are only "estimates."

It's almost impossible to predict how the economy of our country or the world will perform in the future; pundits provide their "educated" guess, but oftentimes no better than throwing darts at a board.

Accuracy is an ideal almost impossible to accomplish in many important facets of our lives. We can only decide for ourselves whether our lives are better or worse than the majority living today by personal analysis. We don't even know if we'll be alive next year.
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 10:28 am
Bartikus wrote:
I'm glad to hear of your good fortune yitwail. I hope it remains with you and multiplies. If you continue to have a heart for the needy and help when you can.....I believe your fortune will multiply.

didn't mean to neglect your kind wishes. i wish you the same as well. still, i could do with a little less fortune, if it meant more opportunities for the less privileged, especially children, but things don't always work that way. i'm not even sure that my current comfortable circumstances compensate for all my childhood hardship. at the same time, i'm well aware that there were and are children far more deprived than i was. i'm especially concerned about children, because early deprivation can have lingering effects, and obviously, children don't choose their parents.
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 10:55 am
cicerone imposter wrote:
We can only decide for ourselves whether our lives are better or worse than the majority living today by personal analysis.

or we can also avoid making generalizations about global standards of living. it doesn't matter much to me if malnourishment afflicts 50% or 20% or even 80%; each number is much too high. like i said to you earlier, i don't need statistics to demonstrate that wealth & opportunity aren't distributed equally across the world. but if statistics are going to be provided, i personally prefer that the compiler of the data makes a conscientious effort to provide reliable statistics.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 10:59 am
yitwail wrote:
"...i personally prefer that the compiler of the data makes a conscientious effort to provide reliable statistics."

Have you ever studied statistics? It's never 100 percent accurate concerning social studies/science. Reliable is in the mind of the beholder.
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 01:04 pm
no, i have not had the privilege of taking a course in statistics. i am aware that statistical figures frequently have a sampling error associated with them. i was mainly trying to point out as diplomatically as i could that citing statistics from a possibly reliable source is preferable to inventing them out of thin air.
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 01:43 pm
yitwail wrote:
no, i have not had the privilege of taking a course in statistics. i am aware that statistical figures frequently have a sampling error associated with them. i was mainly trying to point out as diplomatically as i could that citing statistics from a possibly reliable source is preferable to inventing them out of thin air.

If you are unable to clearly define what constitutes a reliable source.....how would you know the difference between stats that came out of thin air and ones that were.....reliable or 'the best'?

If using the 'best' available sources to determine the 'best' data is preferable as opposed to 'thin air' data.....What constitutes the 'best available sources'?

An example.

Look at the middle east.

Which sources of data are the reliable ones and which are made of thin air?

Which are a mixture of both? Depends on who you ask yitwail.

What you would consider a reliable source and reliable data could......just maybe......come from thin air with only the mere appearance of legitimacy!

As I said before....I'm a skeptic.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 01:53 pm
depends on the subject area, bartikus. there's a lot of viewpoints about conflicts in the Middle East, but i would distrust a source that claimed that George Bush is a shape-shifting reptile alien that drinks the blood of aryans; there is such a source, named David Icke. maybe you can tell me why i should take him as seriously as the heads of state of various nations involved in ongoing middle east conflicts.
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 02:01 pm
I never said you should take Mr. Icke seriously.

I only suggest for you to maybe not take yourself and what you consider a reliable source to be... so seriously.

Especially since you cannot clearly define what a reliable source...data is.

Seem reasonable to you?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 02:08 pm
i haven't yet ventured a definition of what a reliable source is, but what is your definition? since you don't take Icke seriously, he is perhaps unreliable in some aspect?

FYI, wikipedia has a nice long article on Reliable Sources. perhaps you should read it and critique it. but if it suits you, it would be redundant for me to attempt my own definition.


at this point, i wouldn't mind it if you didn't take me so seriously, either. as diligently as you respond to what i post, it appears that my views matter to you, but if they're mainly a source of amusement for you, perhaps you can find another source of amusement.
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 02:26 pm
Look at your first response and some of the others to my original post and tell me you were'nt seeking some amusement..

It is not I to whom it is encumbered to provide said definitions.

It was you who challenged my stats suggesting to use the 'best' data.

...without being able to backup your suggestion.

Ha ha ha
bless your soul.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2006 02:28 pm
yitwail wrote:
i haven't yet ventured a definition of what a reliable source is, but what is your definition? since you don't take Icke seriously, he is perhaps unreliable in some aspect?

FYI, wikipedia has a nice long article on Reliable Sources. perhaps you should read it and critique it. but if it suits you, it would be redundant for me to attempt my own definition.


at this point, i wouldn't mind it if you didn't take me so seriously, either. as diligently as you respond to what i post, it appears that my views matter to you, but if they're mainly a source of amusement for you, perhaps you can find another source of amusement.

Is wikipedia a reliable source?

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