Wed 12 Jul, 2006 08:18 am
Greetings everyone.
I am new to this forum and glad to join it.
I was just wondering whats the difference between being emotional and being weak? Can anyone enlighten me please.
Welcome to A2,
This question sounds more like one about language than one to be debated.
I would say a weak person either lacks self confidence or is dominated by the "emotion" of fear of others and situations. An emotional person is one who demonstrably lets emotions take precedence over restraint or intellect, especially in situations of joy or sadness.
Thank you for replying fresco. Don't you think that constantly displaying one's emotions to catch others' attention is weakness?
I would call that manipulation via emotional blackmail.
Thanks you for
enlightening me Fresco!

I never thought about it this way! So emotional is when one allows one's emotion to control one then?
Sometimes it takes great strength to show emotions openly, so weakness
is not equal to emotional. However, as you said already, when you allow
yourself to be controlled by your emotions then you are not strong enough
to deal with them.
It takes discipline and self-determination to overcome one's weak character
traits, and being emotional is an easy way out, especially when used as