Texas says "Kinky" can be on ballot

Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:10 pm
Oh COURSE he won't win....that's why I said anyone voting for him would be throwing their vote away.

So you've met him, who hasn't?

Around here that's like saying you spotted Lance Armstrong, or Sandra Bullock. No big deal.

It's hard enough to get people to vote, let alone throwing a choice like him into the ring.

You know who would vote for him?

People below the age of 23 who are ignorant about how the world really works, and spend all their off time getting drunk over in the bar district downtown. They think it's all a big laugh. You see his "why the hell not" bumper stickers on cars, and usually it's on the car of someone that looks like they live on the street.

Kinky is some holdover from the 60's. He's one of those gross old guys who hang around where all the young coeds hang out, because they're the only type of people he really impresses.

Masterful? That site is so full of fluff. Anyone could have done that.

Looking a website, reading a book, wearing a t-shirt is NOT the same as having to life here and deal with this sleaze bag. You're right, all the votes that will get tossed in the wind won't affect you at all.

The thought of this person even has a chance of getting into office is enough to keep one up at night, IF you live in Texas.

When some creep that has some pathetic hanger-on following runs for governor in YOUR state, I'd love to hear your feelings.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:15 pm
Yeah, meeting him was no big deal -- just a book signing. My point is merely that I know something about him pre-campaign, and that all the stuff I see is very much in keeping with what he's put out there for decades. Not just waving a hand and "whatever" to what his lackeys come up with.

Re: the website I don't mean, like, color choice. This handout is fabulous in pure political terms, IMO:

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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 01:24 pm
sozobe wrote:
Yeah, meeting him was no big deal -- just a book signing. My point is merely that I know something about him pre-campaign, and that all the stuff I see is very much in keeping with what he's put out there for decades. Not just waving a hand and "whatever" to what his lackeys come up with.

Re: the website I don't mean, like, color choice. This handout is fabulous in pure political terms, IMO:


yeeeeessss soz, I KNOW you didn't mean the color scheme. Rolling Eyes Give me a LITTLE credit here for having a brain.... and IMO anyone who can write good B.S. and knows what the people want to hear could've written that.

I know alot about him pre-campaign also. Years worth, since way before you read his books....that's why I know what a jerk he is.

He's been flapping his gums around here forever, and unfortunately he has such a big mouth, you can't help but hear him.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 04:01 pm
Judging by current experience being the Governor of Texas needn't be limited to a walk on the Boardwalk. The governorship can be a springboard.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 04:27 pm
Chai, I feel there's something missing in your posts. Your disgust is very clear. But why you are so disgusted with him?

Its not that you dont agree with the views he's proposing - you're basically saying, well yeah it all sounds good, but he's probably not written it himself.

That doesnt really make any sense if he's been saying the same stuff for years before this run as well, and in any case, disagreement is not where your burning despisal of the man comes from then.

You dont think he's funny, and you dont think much of the people who like him. Its obviously not true that the only people who are going to vote for him are ignorant, boozing under-23s - if he's polling 21% now, that must be a LOT of other people too.

Anyway, you cant hate him so much just cos you dont think he's funny or dont like the folks who are into him, right? I mean, not with such virulent passion.

You've thrown out a lot of epiteths, but what is it he actually did that makes you so disgusted with him?
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 05:10 pm
I think there was something in the earlier thread about his liking women who were a lot younger... or something like that, I forget. Maybe that has something to do with Chai calling him, what was it, slime. Not to answer the question for you, Chai, just thinking out loud. I had already been trying to remember what that was about, without actually doing an a2k search.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 05:19 pm
I think Kinky's entertaining sometimes, but, being entertaining isn't enough qualification to be governor [of course, Bush had no good qualities and made it]. If you examine his positions and attitude closely, it becomes increasingly clear he will not be good for the state.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 06:09 pm
Well, I was wondering when our other resident Texan was going to come by with his view!

Now I can go to the can!

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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 06:14 pm
Well thank you edgar, finally a voice of reason....

Nimh...you want an example of how bad this guy is? Here....read this. It's a year old, but by God it describes him acurately.

After reading this, ask yourself....Where is the substance? It's like you were suddenly dropped into "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" Fine for a laugh after you've had 3 or 4 drinks and every damn thing seems funny, but not what I want for the Governor of the Great State of Texas.

New Yorker Interview - August 2005

Looking at his website, sure there all sorts of platforms....but is there any mention of HOW he plans to accomplish any of this? Plus, when you read it, I don't find it skillful writing, it sound like a snake oil salesman.

As for not liking him. Crap, the world full of buttholes like him, the difference is, there's no danger of them putting themselves in a postion of power....As for not liking people that don't like him....I'm just not going to let people who think it's cool to elect someone who calls himself "the kinkster", and that's the only reason.

As for who is supporters are, I did a little reading there. Although his supporters have attained a higher education than average, they appear to fall within the group of people who are apathetic about politics....Just like his slogan "What the hell...."

If you can find where he has a thought out, written plan as to how he will implement his plans, I'd be glad to read them.

The joke as just gone on too long.

When people make jokes about Texans, he's the epitome of what they mistakenly think we're like.

That is what I dislike about his running for office....

There's an expression here that describes him "All hat, no cattle"
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 06:30 pm
Well all I can say is that kinky is no Dr Hunter S Thompson.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 07:05 pm
For starters, Kinky don't believe in separation of church and state. I forgot most of his ideas, because PDiddy got me on his side a few months back. PDiddy's a Democrat. But, I recall thinking, "He's got no cohesive pattern to his ideas." No master plan or anything.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 07:12 pm
Gawd, you've had a b-grade actor for a president (and the current gov of california). Heckuva time to get uppity.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 08:32 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Well all I can say is that kinky is no Dr Hunter S Thompson.

oh yeah, well him I would have voted for....are we really sure he's dead?
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2006 08:36 pm

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Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 06:03 am
kinky is stinky
he ain't no democrat
i will bet my winky
he ain't no republicat

just a good ole texas jew boy
them's his own words to employ
and as a singer a world wise joy
but don't let our government be a toy

vote not against kinky
just vote tex democrat
or if you're rinky dinky
vote tex republicat
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Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2006 02:30 pm
Chai Tea wrote:
Nimh...you want an example of how bad this guy is? Here....read this. It's a year old, but by God it describes him acurately. [..]

New Yorker Interview - August 2005

Thanks for the link, that was an interesting read.

Having read this, well, you're gonna kill me for this, but he sounds allright to me. Considering what professional politicians made of it, he sure cant do much worse; he's erratic and eccentric, but he's got his heart in a good place, and has a good sense of proportion. Current powers that be have the skills to do day-to-day political administration, but use them to do harm. I'd vote for him in Holland.. (or Hungary for that matter. Especially Hungary.)

In the light of larger US politics meanwhile, someone "too smart for country, too country for the intelligentsia" might be exactly the door the stultified two-party, two-culture system needs to open to get out of this rut.
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Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 08:12 am
Yeah, I loved that article.

Here's another interesting one -- a friend sent me the link and as far as I can tell you can only read pages 2 through 5 without being registered:

Washington Post Kinky article

(I love the Comets line...)
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Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 09:12 am
Chai Tea wrote:
He's just a big jackass.

Who among his competitors would you consider a smaller jackass?
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Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 10:29 am
sozobe wrote:
Here's another interesting one -- a friend sent me the link and as far as I can tell you can only read pages 2 through 5 without being registered:

Washington Post Kinky article

You can click "Print this article" and then you get the printable view (without any printing being done yet) - and thats the full text of the article
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Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2006 10:31 am
Ah, that worked, thanks.
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