J_B wrote: At the A2K greet in Chicago, O'Bill handed me his camera and asked me to take some shots of him and Sublime. Eva and I edited some of his prior shots of us, ensuring they wouldn't end up on the internet (sorry, Bill). The ones he posted are the ones we left behind - not great, but not so bad.

So it was you who took the photos of my a$$! I knew the truth would come out eventually!
It's true Gus. As hot as she is in photos, she is much hotter in person. Perhaps you should attend the next gathering.
Slappy... you're wrong. Photogenic is a real word for a real reason. While I may very well be just as big of a dork in person as in photos; I once had a secretary that looked simply phenomenal in every one of like 2 dozen Christmas photos. It may be a camera comfort thing, but I swear she looked better in 2-D. I've also plenty of pictures of people who a camera just can't seem to do them justice.