Thanks JLNobody, good to see you're still kicking around these here hills. We have some common understandings and they are well appreciated.
Trying to explain (understand) something that cannot be expressed with words or thought about is futile but working up to it is not. There's understanding but no understander. There's no attacher and no attachee, just attaching. There's running but no runner, speaking but no speaker, there's just verbing,
.but no verbs. There's no producer or product, just processing. And what is processing other then a series of consecutive moments that appear to connect/relate to one another.
There's no happy Buddhists just happiness.
Who understands this? No one. Who knows this? No one. Who writes these words? No one. Who reads them? No one.
If there is no self's (ego's) how can we be separate?
And on the relative ego plain none of this makes sense, it's incomprehensible that the ego would be in pursuit of its own annihilation, even though I think they, we are all going in that direction; the realization of no self, although some are taking a hell of a detour,