Now we have a nice conversation going, that's what I'm talking about! :wink:
flushd wrote:Well, if you believe in god to begin with...why not thank him/her/it for the little things?
Because (if god exists in the first place) he has nothing to do with the little things. Everything that happens is the result of random interaction of countless variables. Again, we're nobody's puppets. If we were, we couldn't be held accountable for our actions, be it good or bad.
flushd wrote:That game may mean a great deal to you. So therefore god would care.
I have no problem with this statement at all. However, god would NOT INTERFERE, even if he CARES a great deal.
flushd wrote:No offence, but who are you to judge the value of one situation over another?
Well, I'm just a regular guy, so I don't have the right to judge anybody or anything without a good reason. However, universal logic applies to everyone, even god. It's common sense that somebody's life is more worth than a multi-millionaire winning a game, graduating high school, etc...
If god has no sense for logic and fairness, then we're all in trouble...
flushd wrote:Hard work and persistence will serve you well - but it sure ain't gonna guarantee justice or your fair share!
I couldn't agree more - life is tough and unfair and you always have to fight to even stand a chance. One thing is for sure though: Wasting time by thanking god and praying for success WILL guarantee failure.
flushd wrote:Your priority should be to shrug off this little nitpicking .........
You actually made me stop and think whether this is nitpicking... I concluded it's not.
It's extremely common and all over the place. It's embedded deeply into the culture:
1. Athletes thanking god. Arrogant, annoying, embarassing.
2. Christmas party corporate group prayer (in many companies, including mine), thanking god for decent last quarter revenue. Weird and awkward. Wait a minute... I think the revenue was higher because I STAYED OVERTIME, INCLUDING WEEKENDS, AND WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR NO EXTRA PAY (since I'm salaried). Infuriating.
3. Family lunch/dinner prayer. Kinda cute and warm, but I would say that the dinner is on the table because the parents worked their ass off, while their boss was breathing down their necks. God didn't make it magically appear on the table.
4. President of the United States praying before going to Iraq - one of many things where he prays and thanks god. Extremely weird and embarrasing. I can't believe that this is how the president of the 21st century America acts, the most powerful man in the world... It's sad.
6. There are many more examples - too many to list...