Listen folks, here's the rule of Priority...

c logic
Reply Mon 3 Jul, 2006 07:58 pm
I'm absolutely tired of hearing people thank god for things they have accomplished...
It's extremely awkward to see a top notch athlete thank god for winning a game (somebody who many people idolize and look up to)... as if god would be eager to constantly watch over an ego-driven multi-millionaire and make sure he wins some meaningless GAME. Think about it for a second... there are children dying from hunger every day...

So, here's the rule of priority, and for the sake of argument, let's assume that god exists in the first place:
If god is really "good and loving", he would make sure that IF he can interfere and HELP in our daily lives, he would help the most needy first. In other words, he would save children that die from hunger first. Then he would possibly prevent people from dying in accidents, ect... Are you with me so far?
So, only if there are ABSOLUTELY NO people who die (or physically suffer) in a given day, only then there would be a VERY SMALL chance that god would help a multi-millionaire win a meaningless game... That's my rule of Priority, so whenever you thank god for unimportant and trivial things, you obviously have no clue what you're doing.

On the flip side (in a sarcastic way), if you accomplish something and thank god for it, it actually MUST have been some sort of a miracle from heaven... since an intelligent person would simply attribute it to hard work and persistence.
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Reply Mon 3 Jul, 2006 08:01 pm
Re: Listen folks, here's the rule of Priority...
c_logic wrote:
Are you with me so far?

Not really.
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c logic
Reply Mon 3 Jul, 2006 08:09 pm
Why not? It's quite simple, isn't it?
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Reply Mon 3 Jul, 2006 10:20 pm
You assume there are no other issues involved.
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real life
Reply Mon 3 Jul, 2006 11:41 pm
Whenever I hear people try to blame God for all the bad things in the world, I have to wonder if they are as angry at the people who actually DO the bad things ( and chose to do them ) as they are at God.

Regarding people dying in accidents: are you as angry at drunk drivers who cause over 50% of fatal auto accidents , as you are at God? What are you actually doing to make sure that drunk drivers are held accountable for their actions and punished for the devastation they cause?

Regarding children dying of hunger: are you as angry at totalitarian governments which prevent distribution of donated food , and devise economic burdens to make production of food difficult, as you are at God? What are you actually doing to make sure that governments that starve their own citizens are held accountable and replaced by rulers that allow free markets?

Seems like it's easy to 'blame God' but you give the actual folks who are doing evil somewhat of a free pass.
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c logic
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 09:14 am
real life wrote:
Seems like it's easy to 'blame God' but you give the actual folks who are doing evil somewhat of a free pass.

My post is not about blaming god at all. It's all about 'blaming people' for not thinking and not giving themselves credit for their accomplishments. Statements like "I would like to thank god ... ..." are rediculous and of no purpose.

My argument is that if god does exist, he does NOT interfere in our daily lives in any way, shape, or form. It simply makes no sense to assume so, and it makes no sense to think that we're some sort of puppets.

Again, if he could interfere, he would help the most needy first: dying, injured,... in whatever way he could. Of course, there are Bad people out there who are responsible for those kinds of attrocities in the first place, but I'm sure god could come up with something (such as an epidemic) to get rid of those kinds of people.
Knowing that, I can't think of how he would help someone getting a new job, graduating, or winning a game, when there are people out there who are much more needy.
It's like 'being good' by helping someone apply sunscreen on their back on a sunny beach, while at the same time watching a child drown to death in the water and not doing anything about it.
Don't you think that god would have a better sense of Priority?

Come one folks, it makes no sense to assume that god interferes in our lives, and therefore it makes no sense to thank god for our accomplishments.
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material girl
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 09:23 am
Real life, you ask what c_logic is doing to get drunkards held accounatble for their actions etc
I doubt c_logic is doing or could do anything, like most of us.
But its not us that is supposed to be this all powerful, all mighty, miracle performing unconditional human loving force.

I think maybe humans have given God such an unnachievable sense of what/who He/She should be/achieve that God believers are digging themselves into a great big hole.
Hence these many many argumentative debates.

Before you ask, i believe in God but not in the way it is commonly portrayed.
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c logic
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 05:46 pm
material girl wrote:
I think maybe humans have given God such an unnachievable sense of what/who He/She should be/achieve that God believers are digging themselves into a great big hole.

I absolutely agree.

I respect religious people, but sometimes certain behaviors and "rituals" get a little out of hand - to the point that it becomes absurd to anybody who has any respect for logic. It's time that the whole "Thank you God" thing stops.
It's a dangerous message to the young people as well. They may get the impression that praying/thanking god serves a purpose and gets you somewhere in life - IT DOES NOT, it's a waste of time.

How many people do you know of that are wealthier and more satisfied with their lives than you? Many of them are greedy jerks that don't give a penny to charity, yet they have still succeeded - how is that possible? It's all about hard work and persistence that gets things done.
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Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 06:46 pm
Well, if you believe in god to begin with...why not thank him/her/it for the little things?
That game may mean a great deal to you. So therefore god would care.

No offence, but who are you to judge the value of one situation over another?
We as people try to balance priorities: and it is tough enough trying to see clearly and choose wisely with the piddly needs, desires, resources and views we are given.
And here you would like to Balance the World?! HA, Sir, HA.

Maybe that game has more import in the world than someone's death by accident.

I don't say that to be cruel.

Here are the facts of 'life' I know: Life ain't fair. Hard work and persistence will serve you well - but it sure ain't gonna guarantee justice or your fair share!

Your priority should be to shrug off this little nitpicking **** and say what ya really want to say. :wink: Laughing
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c logic
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 08:31 pm
Now we have a nice conversation going, that's what I'm talking about! :wink:

flushd wrote:
Well, if you believe in god to begin with...why not thank him/her/it for the little things?

Because (if god exists in the first place) he has nothing to do with the little things. Everything that happens is the result of random interaction of countless variables. Again, we're nobody's puppets. If we were, we couldn't be held accountable for our actions, be it good or bad.

flushd wrote:
That game may mean a great deal to you. So therefore god would care.

I have no problem with this statement at all. However, god would NOT INTERFERE, even if he CARES a great deal.

flushd wrote:
No offence, but who are you to judge the value of one situation over another?

Well, I'm just a regular guy, so I don't have the right to judge anybody or anything without a good reason. However, universal logic applies to everyone, even god. It's common sense that somebody's life is more worth than a multi-millionaire winning a game, graduating high school, etc...
If god has no sense for logic and fairness, then we're all in trouble...

flushd wrote:
Hard work and persistence will serve you well - but it sure ain't gonna guarantee justice or your fair share!

I couldn't agree more - life is tough and unfair and you always have to fight to even stand a chance. One thing is for sure though: Wasting time by thanking god and praying for success WILL guarantee failure.

flushd wrote:
Your priority should be to shrug off this little nitpicking .........

You actually made me stop and think whether this is nitpicking... I concluded it's not.
It's extremely common and all over the place. It's embedded deeply into the culture:
1. Athletes thanking god. Arrogant, annoying, embarassing.
2. Christmas party corporate group prayer (in many companies, including mine), thanking god for decent last quarter revenue. Weird and awkward. Wait a minute... I think the revenue was higher because I STAYED OVERTIME, INCLUDING WEEKENDS, AND WORKED MY ASS OFF FOR NO EXTRA PAY (since I'm salaried). Infuriating.
3. Family lunch/dinner prayer. Kinda cute and warm, but I would say that the dinner is on the table because the parents worked their ass off, while their boss was breathing down their necks. God didn't make it magically appear on the table.
4. President of the United States praying before going to Iraq - one of many things where he prays and thanks god. Extremely weird and embarrasing. I can't believe that this is how the president of the 21st century America acts, the most powerful man in the world... It's sad.
6. There are many more examples - too many to list...
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Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 08:58 pm
Lemme guess...you're an American? Smile

I find this interesting, however I am exhausted. bm and will be back later.
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c logic
Reply Tue 4 Jul, 2006 09:26 pm
Actually, I'm an European who lives in America. Smile
And I can tell you wherever you go, people's superstitions and religious beliefs pretty much stay the same. We're by no means perfect and our opinions are formed by our instincts, feelings, and desires - it's one of those human things.
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Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 03:06 am

Why is logic universal? Was it created/found by humans or by an universal entity? Are humans an universal entity? Who dispenses that logic?

What is logical and what is fair?

Maybe this world is a test for the faithfull?

God doesn't have time to help everyone? But, how can that be if he is omnipotent and the prime Cause (most take this as the base characteristic of God)? If he isn't, then how can he be God?
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c logic
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 07:52 am
Shinobi, I think we're going into the details that are beyond the scope of this post - namely "legitimacy behind thanking god for our accomplishments." I still believe I'm prepared to answer your questions.

Why is logic universal? What is logical and what is fair?

From a spiritual perspective, certain logic is universal to all humans. The kind of logic I'm referring to is that everyone wants to be treated with respect, dignity, and fairness. If god exists, and if he created humans in his own image, then he also has sense for respect, dignity, and fairness. If that's the case, then a human life is more important than a human need or desire (such as money). Therefore, god would find it more important to help a drowning child than a professional athlete. It's safe to say that god does not interfere if he does exsist.

From a physical perspective logic also applies to our own universe since it follows certain laws of physics. If you believe in the infinite universes theory, than this statement is wrong if it goes beyond our universe. After all, the theory says that there are universes with different laws of physics than ours.

Maybe this world is a test for the faithfull?

Than it must be a really bad test. It's like being tested in school on a subject you never studied before. "Faithfullness" is a very shaky concept. Since humans have sense for logic and are naturally skeptical, and since most humans make up stuff and lie on a daily basis, we first need to see something to TRULLY believe it. Simply hearing someone say something doesn't naturally make it believable - such as religion. Therefore you can't fault someone who doesn't believe what his/her own culture says is the nature of the universe and life. The WORST thing of all, different cultures have different explanations.

God doesn't have time to help everyone? But, how can that be if he is omnipotent and the prime Cause (most take this as the base characteristic of God)? If he isn't, then how can he be God?

One of the following answers is correct:
1. There is no god
2. God is not all powerful
3. God is all powerfull, but he chose not to interfere. That's the only way that humans will show their true heart, as interference distorts the truth.

God interferring is SIMPLY NOT AN OPTION. Which means that praying and thanking got serves no purpose.
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Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 08:23 am
You assume there are no other issues involved.
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Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 08:51 am
c_logic wrote:
God interferring is SIMPLY NOT AN OPTION. Which means that praying and thanking got serves no purpose.

How do you know that?
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material girl
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 09:28 am
What did God do before humans were around?
Did he sit around watching the dinosaurs going 'Absolutely NONE of them have thanked me!!!Right thats it, extinction!!!!!'
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c logic
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 09:34 am
neologist and joefromchicago,

Come on guys Sad , I spent a lot of time writing many paragraphs of text copy, trying to explain the reasons behind my conclusions.
I presented my evidence/reasoning, it's time you present yours. It's easy to dismiss something with a "one-liner statement" equivalent to "whatever", without backing it up.
If you don't have a stronger argument, I'll consider myself the winner of this discussion.
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material girl
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 09:38 am
Dont forget to thank God for winning.
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c logic
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 09:48 am
That's funny, material girl, and it makes a good point as well. :wink:
The concept of god doesn't explain anything, in fact it explains absolutely nothing... but that's a whole other thread/discussion.
No matter what the explanation is - spiritual or scientific - we're always going to end up asking the same questions:

What does matter consist of. What does the thing consist of that makes up matter. What does the thing consist of that makes up the thing that matter consist of... etc...

Who/what is god. Who/what created god. Who/what created the thing that created god.

As long as something exist you can't but help ask what it's made of, therefore going in an infinite circle...
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