Sat 1 Jul, 2006 04:24 am
I have a short movie clip on my computer. i want to record the music from it. is there any program that allows me to do that? thanks.
not sure, but back in the day i used sndrec32.exe somehow to record sound bytes from CD's...
maybe i wasn't being clear.
suppose that i have a clip of a movie. and i really like the music. so i can convert that clip music to a mp3 or something similar?
that's what i found i was able to do with sndrec32 -- create a .wav file from a CD...
Any audio recording/editing software should work as long as you choose the right source for recording. You can check this via the volume settings in Start menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Volume Control. Once there choose "Properties" in the Options menu, then click on "Recording" and then "Ok". You should now see various volume sliders with names above them like "Microphone", "Wave" etc. Only one recording source can be active at a time, and the one which is currently active has a checked checkbox below it. If you want to record sound from a clip you should select "Wave" as the active source, or if you have some kind of Soundblaster card and have the "What-U-Hear" option available, you should select that one. Once you have the correct source set you simply click on the record button in your Audio recording program and it should be recording the sound for you.
no. it didn't work. i tried to conigure the volume control.
i even tried to see if i can just record the music directly by using a microphone right to the speaker.
didn't work.