Chai Tea wrote:
thanks Reyn...
you the past couple months, I'd had . . .
<blah, blah, blah>
God, I mean, why do people take themselves so seriously?
We are all just so ridiculo . . .
<yadda yadda yadda>
Maybe that's why I hang around here...because of people like <snip> CYPHERCAT, <snip> who laugh at pretencious crap and realize you can have an important cause in life, but you can do it with flair.
WHOO HOO!!!!!!
Yeah, see now, that's just how I would be in real life-- whenever people mention me, I like to make a big thing about it.
I'm actually real annoying.
Chai, I have to add that I really thought your post was right on-- I was only kidding about the <blah blah> thing!
What you said about how you react when you're cut off in traffic, I really get that. It just doesn't seem worth the big yelling, stressing thing so many people do (Especially when you see the person who passed you at six zillion miles an hour pull into the parking lot 30 seconds before you anyway

That's what I always remind myself when I'm reading the debate threads here and I'm sorely tempted to jump in there, because what someone has said is just getting under my skin so bad-- there is just NO point taking these discussions too seriously, it's all just one tiny part of the gigantic world, and it all goes on the same anyway, whether that's for good or ill...
I'd also have to agree with Snood and nimh about being the same here as in real life-- I think it affects most everyone here, perhaps more than we're all aware of...
very difficult to be exactly as you are IRL when you're just sitting here pecking away to a screen...
so we have moved on to what we are like in real life?
Im just a brazen hussie in a linen skirt, who just happens to have a cute ass kid that will tell you just that .
Chai Tea wrote:....I'd had I think 3 people who have been here a long time, but have never crossed paths or had interactions with me, tell me I have the brain of a slug....
Don't believe it for a second!
You're amongst the half dozen or so who's words regularily make me sit up and say, "Yeah, that's what it's all about!"
Reyn wrote:Chai Tea wrote:....I'd had I think 3 people who have been here a long time, but have never crossed paths or had interactions with me, tell me I have the brain of a slug....
Don't believe it for a second!
You're amongst the half dozen or so who's words regularily make me sit up and say, "Yeah, that's what it's all about!"
Who in the hell do we have running around here that says **** like that to people?
I've witnessed statements of a similar color said by some.
Names won't be named.
Of course, they would never say it to the person if they were in the same room in real life.
Standard procedure...
I'm incensed.
Here is my proof:
I think we need an angrier looking emoticon.
You always know exactly what to say.
La(He's so cute in that baseball cap, I'd like to lick him)sh
I'm a mix, of course, in real life and here at a2k. I've just plain endeavored to be more straightforward, starting out as Ms. Shy Violet a long time ago with overtones of passive aggressive, no doubt, mixed with courtesy training from Miss Hanbury. Then I worked for fifteen years in med research & clinical labs, and, especially in the research labs, we talked blue streaks to each other fairly expressively. Kind of broke the ice for me. Then I went into a whole new field, sort of regressed from queen bee straightforward to know-nothing mostly listening.
In the meantime, I benefitted, I conject, from having smartassgroup girlfriends, who wouldn't let you get away with anything, during those years where we all got together and talked and talked.
And then I married a quiet guy. So I got a little quieter, tuning my volume. Still, he's a writer, and a lot of our friends were extremely verbal. Whatever, through thick and thin over a bunch of decades, I've been around self expressive people.
And then I got older. I haven't a lot of patience for twaddle - well, other people's twaddle - in real life, and can be understanding or curt, depending on my own mood, or some empathy I can feel for the twaddler, whether we together are open to opinion exchange of the type that either of us can learn from. Since, ta da, twaddle can turn around and make sense once in a while.
Sometimes curt is useful, if someone smart is saying something curt to me. It will either give me a kernal to rebuild my own view or give me a kernal to go off in a new direction myself. But not too curt, or too insultingly dismissive. Then doors slam.
On politics and religion on a2k, I usually see no benefit in arguing - but then I am not one with a data ready to back up whatever heartfelt opinion I have. Mostly I read to work out what I think myself.
I suspect I'm not much different in real life than on a2k - that is, variable.
Sometimes flammable, sometimes incoherent, sometimes trenchant, often wordplaying. Which is to say, I'm a piece of work in real life too. Oh, and in certain circumstances, funnier in real life.
But, re plainoldme's original question, no, a2k doesn't represent the nation, assuming she is referring to the US. First of all, a full half of why I like a2k is the reach to people not from my place. I don't think POM has been here that much to notice how international we are - not a dig, I know she doesn't have much computer access.
And secondly, there is a certain self selecting here, people who like to engage others and discuss stuff while typing. Oh, and those who can afford computers and their ever grasping need for newness.
And thirdly, or fourthly, I agree with whoever said POM tends to put folks into categories for lambasting..... and I think things are grayer than that.
ditto, but with fewer words
Tico, I'm on a word tear tonight... have finally gotten my refrigerator moved to my new abode, and the exhilaration is immense.
Thanks, Osso - excellent post. I feel like I know you a little better.
And I agree with the reasons you give for A2K not really being representative of the USA.
I am the same IRL as on A2K in that I am known at work and among friends as someone who has an opinion on a lot of things, and doesn't mind voicing same. At work I have gotten some good-natured ribbing about being a sort of "Mr Controversy" - always the one who will confront what I perceive to be BS, or unfair (often not a good trait to have in the military).
I am the same in that I think I try to get along with as many people as I can, but am always very aware that everybody isn't going to like everybody. I am the same in that I have a temper IRL and here, but I try to let go of things as quickly as I can - believing in both places that "it's all small stuff", even though it's a challenge to behave accordingly.
I am different on A2K for the simple fact that it is the nature and purpose of A2K to provide a place for people to express their unvarnished opinions on just about anything, and IRL there aren't many places except for amongst intimates that happens. Here I have a sort of captive audience that has to see (albeit while quickly scrolling by, in some cases

) what I think; IRL I often have to just think it, and not say it.
I argue way more here than in real life. Like I've been trying to say, IMO the anonymity and relative safety of spouting my two cents about things (and more to the point- people) just naturally leads to being a little less careful or courteous than if I had to actually experience in person the effects of my words. I stand by my opinion that this is true of most people here. real life, I'm much the same as on here - quiet and unassuming.
In real life I am not nearly as kind, compassionate or caring as I am on a2k.
wait a guys have real lives
djjd62 wrote:wait a guys have real lives
Not all of 'em - just a few.
djjd62 wrote:wait a guys have real lives
This is my favorite post to date!