farmerman wrote:Noah would have had to populate his box with an estimated 50 BILLION species of plants and animals in order to succeed. The literalists believe that everything was already created so that would include a significantly larger number of species than are now present. Even acceptin "real lifes" assertions that Noah would have taken Baby forms or since so many animals were 'of the same "kind" How would he know which ones they actually were. Was Noah an accomplished geneticist?
no, but he seemed to be an accomplished vintner. but seriously, the Lord made sure that two of the right kinds turned up at the ark, and Noah only needed to be sure they were all aboard before pulling in the gangplank.
did RL "float" the idea of baby animals on board? that seems to create as many problems as it solves, since baby animals require more care than adult forms, and noah & family would have a ton of work to do without that extra complication.