Generations of Noah (Body)
Gen. 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
Who or what is Noah? When or where did he exist? To fully understand the end times and its significance, these questions must be accurately and completely answered. Without a correct identification of Noah, One will continue to remain in complete darkness with regards to the times in which they live. Therefore, let us embark on a journey to discover who Noah is and what he teaches us.
As we have previously mentioned in
Contamination By Assumptions, having the wrong assumption is akin to having a dangerous and cancerous disease. Without cure it will spread and eventually lead to the destruction of the whole body. Since the Holy Scripture is connected and interwoven, one wrong assumption can lead to the distortion and contamination of the whole message.
This will shatter many beliefs, but contrary to popular speculations and assumptions, Noah was not a single individual. Rather Noah is used symbolically to represent a succession of generations who occupy a space of time during a certain period of man's existence. This period of time is known today by many as the end times.
The confusion about Noah's identity stems from a couple of reasons, but the main causes can be found in assumptions and the careless interpretations of the Holy Scripture. In Noah's case one of the most obvious misinterpretations can be found in Gen. 6:9 (These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God). If One will notice, in that verse the word "generation" is plural. This is done in an attempt to alert the Believer to the fact that the story of Noah is not dealing with one out of a single generation. Instead it is referring to One, out of multiple generations. In order to comprehend this, there are a couple of things we must first realise. Let us first define and rightly divide "
Definitions (Merriam Webster)
Generation: (n) 1 a :
a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor b : a group of individuals born and living contemporaneously generation" to; the average span of time between the birth of parents and that of their offspring. From the definitions we can see that a generation encompasses more than that. Let us begin by examining the first definition.
In the first definition, we see that a "generation" also refers to: a body of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor. To understand this definition, One must first realise what constitutes a "body." Let us therefore define and divde"
Body: (n) 3 a :
a mass of matter distinct from other masses *a body of water* *a celestial body* b :
something that embodies or gives concrete reality to a thing; also :
a sensible object in physical space c :
QUANTITY *a body of evidence*5 :
a group of persons or things:
as a : a fighting unit :
a group of individuals organized for some purpose *a legislative body*
From the definition we see that a "
body" includes: a mass of matter distinct from other masses, something that embodies or gives concrete reality to a thing, a sensible object in physical space, aggregate, quantity, group of persons or things, or a group of individuals organized for some purpose. With these additional definitions we should now realise that there are many other bodies in this world besides the human body. There is the family body, world body, bodies of believers, legislative bodies, bodies of evidence, governing bodies, etc
And all of these bodies have a common denominator; they are all made up of more than one person or thing, but yet they are still considered to be one.
What Believers must now realise is that God is a God of body, group or family. Contrary to what many may have come to see him as, God does not look highly upon individualism. In everything that he does, it is always for the progression, betterment, and survival of the group or world family. In his eyes the individual is not more important than the whole (
Matt. 5:29). This is one of the main themes that can be found in Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus wasn't sacrificed to save an individual or an individual nation; he was sacrificed so that there might be salvation and resurrection for the whole "body" (
1Cor. 12:14).
Now, when we look at Noah we see the story of that sacrifice in respects to God saving a certain type of
body, group, mass, aggregate, of living beings constituting a single step in the line of descent from an ancestor (
generation 1a). This body is a
group or a mass of matter or individuals who are distinct from other masses, or groups (
body 3a). And this body is a
group of individuals organized for some purpose (
body3b). In other words, for his purpose, during a certain period God saves a distinct group or body of individuals out of all the other groups or bodies of individuals which inhabit the earth.
As we look at the second definition we find another qualification for generation. It is found in the word "
contemporaneous" Let us now define this word.
Contemporaneous : (adj) :
existing, occurring, or originating during the same time
synonyms see
After defining "
contemporaneous" we see that in order to qualify as a generation a body, group, mass, aggregate, must be existing, occurring, or originating during the same time. This means that a group of individuals who comprise a "generation" must have real being, and be present at the same time. And this time in reference to the generations of Noah would be the end times.
As we pointed out in
Representations, when studying, One must remember that the Holy Scripture is rife with symbolism. It is one of its fundamental characteristics.
Finally, when an individual becomes involved in any group, they become part of a larger body. The two entites merge and become One. Therefore, the purposes, and goals of that body also becomes that of the individual. So, Noah was not a lone individual; rather he is symbolic of a distinct group, or mass of individuals on the earth, who are organized for the same purpose or Gods purpose. And because of certain qualifications which they all share, they are seen by God as a One body or person, hence the name Noah.
The Truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, but its healing powers are immeasurable"
1 Corinthians 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also [is] Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:14 For the body is not one member, but many.
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.