Tue 20 Jun, 2006 05:46 pm
I keep turning off the e-mail updates...and they keep turning back on. I do not need 50 updates in my e-mail inbox.
How do I get these updates to stop?
Of course you don't, you Trenton bulldog. I had the same problem, but only in reverse. There are a few bugs, Frank, waiting to be fixed.
Are you turning them off topic-by-topic, or through your Profile? In your Profile, look down in about the 3rd Panel - De-Select "Always notify me of repllies" ... that should shut 'em off from that point forward, though any topic to which you've subscribed, clicked "Turn on email updates" - still must be unsubscribed manually, by clicking "Turn off email updates" in that topic. From then on, the only updates you should get will be those to which you've subscribed and not turned off.
Hi Letty.
Thanks Timber. I'll give that a shot. Already made the we'll see what happens.
Timber... is working like a charm.
Thanks. f.
Yer weccum, Frank. Glad it worked for ya.