dlowan wrote:So - NIMH or Craven or Fbaezer - what was the exchange rate of the real before Lula-fear began - what is it now?
It's hard to pinpoint when the Lula fear began, and a few of FHC's own moves weakened the Real.
The fear started when people realized that FHC could not be re-elected, the fear took hold in earnest because Lula (the anti-thesis to FHC) was rising in polls and te number 2 was even worse.
I can't pin point the Lula effect on the Real for you. FHC unpegged the currency and that was what took it from 1.20-2.70. Then there was 9/11, then there was the simple fact that elections were looming, ultimately it was that the polls showed a political about face.
That's about as fair as I can state it. There were 2 long standing issues that hurt the Real and Lula was a third. I will not try to quantify Lula's effect on the Real but will say that the rise in the price of the cesta basica (basic basket, beans rice oil etc) and the price of bread rose with him.
More in a bit.